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Tram Titan 2 extra channels


Active Member
Jun 1, 2012
Southeastern Michigan
I have just bought a Tram Titan 2 is there any modification I can do to get this radio to 38lsb or give give me channels 24 to 40 am. On Siltronix site they say their VFOs will not work on this radio is there one that will? I have not received radio yet so my next questions could be how to get it working but I hope not. Thanks Jimbo165

The really old fashioned way is to add a crystal box. I killed the lower frequencies on an old Pearce Simpson that I have to get 38-40 by just pulling the crystals and replacing them with ones for the upper channels. Not sure what other options you might have.

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Thank You for reply that is the first thing I will check into is adding a crystal box but the price of crystals have sure went up and I hope I can find some also. Was hoping some type of VFO could be added to increase amount of channels on am. If I can at least get it to 38lsb I will be happy I know this radio transmits on 38lsb and 38usb at same time but in last year have not heard anyone using 38usb. Please comment or send me some info. Thanks Jimbo165
Thank You for reply that is the first thing I will check into is adding a crystal box but the price of crystals have sure went up and I hope I can find some also. Was hoping some type of VFO could be added to increase amount of channels on am. If I can at least get it to 38lsb I will be happy I know this radio transmits on 38lsb and 38usb at same time but in last year have not heard anyone using 38usb. Please comment or send me some info. Thanks Jimbo165

You're right, crystals are pretty expensive these days. Tubes, too! I am sure there is a VFO that should work for you. Problem is finding it in working condition these days. I'm not sure which unit works on your rig. There is a guy on YouTube called tramdr. I'd look him up and PM him about it. I don't think he's a member here. He posts a lot of different radios and configurations, and might be able to point you in the right direction.

Another option is to leave your old classic as it is, and play on the upper channels with a more modern rig. And you won't find many guys on USB within the 40 channel range these days. If I remember right, back in the old days our local SSB club ran 16 lsb and 17 usb to separate their signals as far as they could on the two of the 23 channels that were "gentlemen's agreement" for SSB. There are some clubs that presently do nets on those channels.

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As stated leave the classic a classic and get a different rig for SSB.

Now I like the old siltronix 1011C/D for SSB. ( Let the flaming begin).

They are great SSB rigs once aligned correctly, and they will need re capped and some of the old carbon resistors need replaced as they are most likely out of tolerance due to heat and age.

The silkies have a very sensitive receiver and no question as to the Transmit audio quality.

So if you are looking for an older SSB rig look at some silkies inexpensive and a lot of bang for the buck.

The 8950 finals can get expensive but there are conversions to 6lb6 tube finals.

If you insist on modding the Tram take a look at N3ZI web page for his vfo and freq counter.
There is no VFO that can move the transmit and receiver together on that radio. It's crystal controlled on TX and VFO on RX. The radio has no common frequency source shared by both RX and TX. They are independent and will require separate modifications. The Tram VFO will not work on the Titan because the Titan requires a different frequency for the TX and RX of the SAME channel. If you were an AM operator I'd suggest putting an external VFO on the TX and modifying the internal receiver VFO.

Since you use SSB mostly I strongly suggest you choose another radio. These radios were just stable enough to use the VFO on RX and hope the TX crystal is right. By the time you get two VFOs working the frequency drift will be unbearable. Keep in mind the receiver is also 6 KHz. wide and you'll hear AM and the opposite SSB in RX.
Tram Titan

Thank you all for all the great info I may have to forget SSB on this radio and just do the mods to get more AM channels still have not received radio yet so getting the cart before the horse as my Dad would say just hope it works like it should. Wavrider I already have a Siltronix 1011c and it works just great on sideband I use it most of the time now and would never even think about getting rid of it because of all the good reports I get on it. Shockwave thanks for all your comments for sure. Thanks to all you great people on this forum Jimbo165
Well I got the Tram and it seems to work fine on all channels and sideband too. Not sure yet what limiter dial on radio is for yet donot have manual and Sams shows nothing about it. I would like it to have more output it deadkeys 1 1/4 watts swings to 3 1/2 watts have checked all tubes and adjusted plate and load on back any ideas anyone? Thanks Jimbo165
Unit 99 I have the old metal Tram Titan 2 and I do have the Sams book for it shows a lot but none on operation I would like to know how to use the limiter knob. The alignment is somewhat complicated for a novice wish they could have explained it different. Thanks for the Grumpys site . Thank All for comments and help. Jimbo165
Tram Titan

Thank you all for all the great info I may have to forget SSB on this radio and just do the mods to get more AM channels still have not received radio yet so getting the cart before the horse as my Dad would say just hope it works like it should. Wavrider I already have a Siltronix 1011c and it works just great on sideband I use it most of the time now and would never even think about getting rid of it because of all the good reports I get on it. Shockwave thanks for all your comments for sure. Thanks to all you great people on this forum Jimbo165
It's not SSB anyway, it's DSB

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