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Using a small satellite dish as an 11 meter antenna

Man we have been having fun with King`s thread....
Really tho, if you got the stuff and like to play with antennas....go for it.
I have loaded up some off the wall things just because i felt like it, antenna tuners are an experimenters plaything for me, and like someone else said, you would be surprised what will work.
It will not have any gain, but it will most likely put a signal on the air, i bet it will have a ton of rf flowing on the outside of coax as already said.
But even coax at 30 or 40 feet is a signal in the air.
Beats a wet hay bale for a antenna.
Post up the test results Homer, we will all be watching this one.
( never know, might be a good seller on e bay)

Man we have been having fun with King`s thread....
Really tho, if you got the stuff and like to play with antennas....go for it.
I have loaded up some off the wall things just because i felt like it, antenna tuners are an experimenters plaything for me, and like someone else said, you would be surprised what will work.
It will not have any gain, but it will most likely put a signal on the air, i bet it will have a ton of rf flowing on the outside of coax as already said.
But even coax at 30 or 40 feet is a signal in the air.
Post up the test results Homer, we will all be watching this one.
( never know, might be a good seller on e bay)


With the right size hay bale (large round) you hook up to the baling wire and you got yourself a quad!
it could work, if you have a variable 48-72 inch chamber baler, you would need ah lets see 17.2083/pi or a 65-66" bale! good ole prairie grass, i have a market for the alfalfa!
Captain K, you are all hung up on theory, I was using a antron 99 on the base, the top section was a fiberglass whip that had been broken in half and I filed the end down and screwed it on the top, never could get the SWRS down below 3 but it talked great, But now I am using a walmart mag mount stuck in the center of a 3 foot snow dish and it rocks!!
I get 6 to 12 Lbs gain with my snow dish over the Antron, you guys can sit here and spout theory all day but until you get a $18 dollar mag mount and stick it on a snow dish you will never learn that book smarts is old school and REAL WORLD testing will blow theory out of the water..EVERYTIME >>>>>.and i just got DOWn!!

:blink: :blink: :blink:

:blink: :blink: :blink:

i was kidding.
I was just giving CK a bad time.
Besides snow dishes are made out of Aluminum, or plastic, and i can not find any glue that will keep it held down as I slide down the hill on my as....


Good one Jeff.(y) Glad I read all the replies after your first response to me before replying because I had sooooo much to say about that one. :D
Especially about using it as a groundplane versus the main radiator. :whistle:
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..........which also doesn't make sense considering antennas radiate from the upper portion primarily

Just a note but actually antennas radiate mostly from the high RF current point,wherever that may be. Base loaded antennas radiate mostly from the bottom whereas a normal dipole antenna radiates mostly from the middle section with RF dropping off as you approach the ends.Very few antennas actually radiate from the upper portions actually.
I have not forgotten my offer to put a mobile antenna on the little dish network dish. I'll get to it soon, I think. We all know where it should go, but nothing wrong with goofing off.
The output is similar to my magnetic loop antenna

I played around with Magnetic loop antennas for a little while, and for a very small antenna, i was impressed by the result.
I used 3/8 copper tubing formed into a loop, and tuned with a small variable cap.

The best thing i found about it was low noise, it was not a dx monster, but it worked quite well.

I made contacts into the upper Midwest from Ca, with the loop sitting on a table on my patio, running 100 watts.
If you like to play/home brew stuff, it is a real fun design to play with.
And it is a hardware store project.
Here are some Resources


AA5TB - Small Loop Antennas.

My Magnetic Loop Antenna - KR1ST


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