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Active Member
Aug 14, 2014
As per the advice of a few members I've been using the VOACAP propagation preproduction map/site.
I enjoy it and use it more to see what's posibly happening on the amateur bands (with envy!).
As most know VOACAP's predictions only list amature bands 10- 160.
My question is how close would the ten meter predictions be when used to predict 11 meter dx conditions?

As per the advice of a few members I've been using the VOACAP propagation preproduction map/site.
I enjoy it and use it more to see what's posibly happening on the amateur bands (with envy!).
As most know VOACAP's predictions only list amature bands 10- 160.
My question is how close would the ten meter predictions be when used to predict 11 meter dx conditions?

My experience has been that it is pretty darned close. Of course you have other predictors for propagation on 11 meters that also work very well. Da Bowl and channel 38 lsb. :)

My experience has been that it is pretty darned close. Of course you have other predictors for propagation on 11 meters that also work very well. Da Bowl and channel 38 lsb. :)

??? Take a second look at your results. On the resultant graph there are no boundaries between the bands. The 11m band clearly shows results. Just like looking down on the earth from space, no borders.

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I agree. I usually know the conditions by turning my rig on.
It just amazes me how much conditions are so much better once one passes 20 meters.
My ham friend down the street uses a CB tuned to channel 19 to check the MUF on 10 meters. When there isn't any activity on 11m he knows that 10 m is probably dead.

Of course he keeps the volume on the CB down and just looks at the meter.

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