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Thanks All...

This has been a very informative thread. I have a Clear Speech speaker... I haven't hooked it up and was thinking of selling it but ... after reading this thread I will soon be hooking this up to my mobile set up.
Thanks All...

This has been a very informative thread. I have a Clear Speech speaker... I haven't hooked it up and was thinking of selling it but ... after reading this thread I will soon be hooking this up to my mobile set up.

There are some vids on YouTube showing how much noise this speaker cuts. Pretty impressive!
Can’t figure out what enclosure to use to install the GE-47 Sonic Cushion parts.

IP66 waterproof seems attractive except sizes look to be off.

3-4” on a side seems about right (Or, to fit L-pad 2-5/8” flush-mount). 6” getting too big (Mobile).

I about blew my ears off the other day listening to some distant (local) when Jethro Bodine put some fire to the wire from just astern.

Found a bulb holder with amber-jeweled indicator.

Am going to build two at present. No shop at home, just tailgate-type hack & drill work.

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Reactions: G GOLLY WAlly
Used one of these speakers with my Uniden 980. Set the filtering at two o’clock and left it. Goodbye white noise, hello clear speech.
Sold it with the rest of my equipment. If I ever get back into CB, it will be one of my first purchases.
Just in case anyone runs into the same

I noticed mine had a “pop” when the mic was keyed. I got used to it, and didn’t bother much with it.

Then Ralph (S&W357) ran into the same with his when connected to his AT6666. He quickly found that if you keep the speaker volume low, and turn up the radio’s volume, the “pop” goes away.

After he shared that tip I tried the same and it works for me too.
I had the same problem with my Lincoln II plus but it was horrible unless I used the talk back then it went away.
I was in communication with the company for several weeks and they finally sent me a new aux cord with a small bread board in the middle. It fixed the popping noise but it's also a little quieter.
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I'm testing out a BHI version currently. Only negatives I've found -

  • when you turn up the DSP past level 3 you start to get the waterfall sound in the background. This is common with lots of DSP speakers I've heard.
  • when you unkey there is a 1 second period of increased static while the DSP reacts and kicks in again. I find this super annoying.
  • the BHI model picks up RF easily. It has a ferrite on the cord but when sitting close to radios it acts like talkback. Had to move it quite far away.
I think these units are impressive as long as you only use the first stages (for voice) when you turn them up stronger it just makes voices too strange, but it could be used for CW at higher levels I guess.

The delay and the increased static after unkeying before it reacts drives me nuts though so I stopped using it after a day or two of testing. Going to do some continued testing with other radios this week.
My clr speaker developed the same static problem when I unkey but mine lasts 10 seconds or more. But it only does it if I have a short key. If I am long winded it didn't do it.
Yeah I'd be interested in buying one but after using the BHI speaker with that static noise on unkey I'm not sure I want to risk it again, even if it's the CLR Speaker model. You guys having that same issue with the CLR Speaker is scaring me :)
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Yeah I'd be interested in buying one but after using the BHI speaker with that static noise on unkey I'm not sure I want to risk it again, even if it's the CLR Speaker model. You guys having that same issue with the CLR Speaker is scaring me :)

Hasn’t been a feature on mine (2014 purchase). Almost exclusively AM use.

FWIW, I use both Mix 31 & 61 ferrites at each end of both power & audio as mounted in the Peterbilt. (Sized where I can get a full loop).

Stray RF control is attenuated greatly by working with radio and speaker controls. (I’ve only used this speaker while mobile).

Pre-dawn — engine and APU “off” — I’m at 2-3 S-units on a typically noisy Uniden 980 depending on where I parked for the night.

That’s with Squelch turned Off and RF Gain at maximum. (ANL & NB also “off”.)

Daytime I have to filter mentally for both close and distant LOCAL RX while being aware of SKIP making an appearance.

As the day progresses, the ANL is used. NB on Sideband. Mid-afternoon the noise being received can overwhelm this radio. Local isn’t affected adversely (several miles or more), but distant is another thing. SKIP can flat ruin AM-19 for a number of hours.

This is where a driver needs some wattage to get out to those with the same road-going concerns.

What’s the return policy, BK? Be sure to use it mobile for a complete test. And have attenuated noise as well as can be in that vehicle. I keep hammering away at that in this Class 8, and it’s worthwhile. (The obvious ain’t always obvious till I try the next thing).

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