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What's a good transceiver for EME / Satellite work?


Nov 28, 2009

I am re-entering this hobby after a nearly 20 year hiatus- good thing I kept my license renewed all this time! I am thinking of bypassing HF (sunspots, you know...) and going straight for the good stuff- Satellite and EME. For the former, I will probably tinker with the 70cm up / 2m down modes. For the latter, some preliminary Google searching yielded the JT65 (sp?) and similar modes that make EME more doable than ever. (JT65- now that is a good idea! Wish I'd thought of it!!)

I still have my ancient Kenwood TS-520, and a dusty Icom-706 that I bought in '96 but never really used. I figure that for EME I *might* be able to get away with the '706 and a good preamp/poweramp setup, if I couple that with a good antenna, patience, and luck. For satellite I could probably use a transverter with the '706 but without full duplex this would be difficult- I am better off with a new transceiver.

On the shortlist- Kenwood TS2000 (the HF to 1.2GHz rig), Icom 746/756, or Icom 910H.

The Kenwood looks the most versatile and perhaps has the biggest bang-for-the-buck, but I am worried that it's "all in one" may be somewhat gimmicky.

Thanks in advance!

PS. Electrical Engineer by training (microelectronics not telecom) so you can get somewhat technical.

What you have would work. But I like my old Yaesu 726R rigs. One is used for sat/6 meters. The other has been converted for EME. On both bands. Each band has two (2) antenna jacks. Plus a GasFet preamp in both bands. This way your antenna is connected directly to the receiver so it is possible to hear you signal come back.

I also have the Yaesu 736. Two yaesu 221r's, two KLM multi 2700's and a KLM echo 70. All older rigs but work great .
You might want to wait and look at the Icom IC-9100 when it starts shipping soon. It is replacing both the Icom 910H and the Icom 746 pro - sort of like combining the two rigs into one. The target price is rumored to be in the $3K range.

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