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why i hate my neigbors part 1


Technologicaly Challenged
May 7, 2005
this pic shows most of my contempt for them. keep in kind the real treat is next to them but i have not done there house yet. i would consider selling my house but i cant afford to do 2 payments as this one is selling. makes me mad to know i still owe $73,000 on it and i have to wake up and look at this **** every day.

they are using field fence posts for the chain link, at least spend the $12 for 4 matching posts from home depot for christ sake. this morning they were painted blaze orange, you know why? they stole them from the freeway constuction going on. i have a feeling the used bent roll of chainlink came from there as well.


im sorry for the oversize pic, a linked thumbnale would not have came close to my contempt for the 786 pound fat sow that never changes here dirty ass pink streatch pants, and here equelly unemployed looser 86 pound boyfriend that talks just like mike tyson

HAHA couldnt help but laugh but thats funny. Just think if you were our neighbors were i use to live we woke them up at 7AM about every weekend. We would get the racecar going on the track right by there house to warm it up and also had 2 derby cars warming up for the derby that night. Got a ticket once and they told us we couldnt start the cars till 7:30. They got pissed but yet again we saved there lives once so they didnt call the cops on us anymore!
the ugliest thing in that pic is that freakin ford!

don't make me post my neighbors front yard. But then it just might help you feel better.
believe it or not there is a turdy grand prix there, thats what the pink ball belongs to.
hey, this could be a cool topic...we should get everyone to take pics of either their yard or their neighbor's so we can make fun of it :)
I'll post a pic of why my neighbors hate me...the I-10K mounted 30' off the roof, with a multiband 10-80m dipole below it, with a couple other antennas scattered around. You know, somewhere else on the internet people are posting the same pics about us!
Ive got to get a pic of this guys house in a town just south of here.......never, never in my life have I seen so many antennas in one place. Man this dude has it all but I have reason to beleive hes a mud duck. He has rat shack base antennas ground planes of all sizes beams and who know what else. There is so many antennas in one place its hard to see whats what. Oh the best part is he has all this on the one end of his house and some of the antennas are close to the ground so he has a litle white fence around them. Also never seen so many coax lines runnin through one wall. Its funny but I cant say to much becouse my house will probly look the same one day lmao :shock: :LOL:
I wish could get out and take a pic of a house that is about 12 miles from me.

I has no front door and the goats and chickens run in and out of the house (and yes this is an actually house people live in).

i want to do the real dipshits that lived next store to them but they lit there house on fire and its part of an arson invenstigation so i will have to wait

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