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XForce 400HD

Agreed 91, most hf or high power exports would do the job. Keep the dead key down and it will last a long time.
Ok lets make this simple, What you are seeing in the spech sheet is what the amplifier will handle. Now also remember this is a class C competition style amplifier so these spechs are what they have been tested safley at. This does not mean that its a great idea or in ones best interest to run it there everyday or outside of a competition keydwn event.

I use this example probably 50 times a year but it really does make sense, If you have a Corvette and it will do 180 MPH "Top Speed" how long do you think it would hold up or last if you drove it that hard everyday? I can guarantee you that it wouldnt last very long before something happened or something let loose.

I used to Drag Race bikes and snowmobiles and the machines were extremely fast but heres the truth of the matter, on starting line watc hing light tree green light hammered the throttle 600 feet later it was done and machine was shut off and cooled down with a quick flush antifreeze system and ready for next run. Those machines were not ridden on trailes or for everyday use because they were made to golike a raped ape and then neededthat rest or cool down.

What the hell does this have todo with anything radio you ask?? Its the message Im trying to get accross is what things are setup to handle or capable of doing is onething and what is done with them everyday or everytime you use them is another.
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Why call them, they already included paper work with the amp explaining everything. This is what the sheet said,

"400HD..4x2879,Class C bias, fan cooled.Max amp draw 110a, install recommended with 4ga wire and 125a fuse. (Max input carrier of 20w or"300w from amp"). Max peak input 240 w."

That pretty much says it all really. I would prefer keeping the dead key in the range of 6-12 watt range and peak input under 120 watts. That's just me though.

You mean to tell me the Manufacturer's website has that info on it?????? I would have never guessed that.
ALL the replies very much appreciated. I read every one and learned from each. I think I can manage my XForce now....Thanks again...Jim Great Forum....!!! (y)
Just call Xforce and ask them. 847-561-4971 I'm certain they have the answer to your question. You'll get a lot of good advice here but if you want to know what the builder means by the specs provided you should ask him. If you tell him what your set-up is he'll tell you exactly how to run this amp...
good luck on getting them answer the phone...… I had a straight 6 that had problems when I first got it, I tried to get up with them for almost a year (emailing too) and never got a answer from them. After Carl sold the business it went to hell ion a hand basket. And yes they do use substandard parts ( PP100 transitors ) the cheapest parts they can get at the time they order new parts. I will never buy anything from X Force again.
good luck on getting them answer the phone...… I had a straight 6 that had problems when I first got it, I tried to get up with them for almost a year (emailing too) and never got a answer from them. After Carl sold the business it went to hell ion a hand basket. And yes they do use substandard parts ( PP100 transitors ) the cheapest parts they can get at the time they order new parts. I will never buy anything from X Force again.
Very old thread.
When Carl was building them I never had a problem with him answering the phone and he sent me free replacement parts more than once.
I have no idea who builds them now.
And Toshiba 2879's were extremely rugged transistors you could abuse the snot out of them.

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