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Yaesu FT 101 or Kenwood TS-520

Both are good old rigs. The Yaesu has AM mode whereas the Kenwood does not if that is a factor.The plain Jane FT-101 (no letter following) did not have 160m but all models after did. Something to consider also is that the Kenwood TS-520 has real transmitter tubes in the finals,a pair of 6146's. The Yaesu may have sweep tubes if it is an older model.Yaesu switched from 6JS6C's to 6146's somewhere along the line but not sure when.I believe it was with the introduction of the FT-101ZD but not 100% sure.
I never had a 101 but have heard plenty of them. I always felt the audio on the 520 was better...at least I liked it better anyway. Audio is a pretty subjective thing to classify.

The 520 I had was great, very clean. I bought it off of a ham that just had it completely worked over, tuned, aligned, etc. When he sold it to me, he gave me all the paperwork, including the work orders. It cost him a pretty penny to get the thing operating how it was.

Long story short, when 520s are operating properly they are hard to beat. We all have radios that we wish we would have kept. The 520 I had is one of those radios. In fact, I really can't think of another. I say give the 101 a shot, but hang on to a 520, especially if it is doing well for you.
Good coments from both.
I like to have something like an EE. I knew about the tubes but seems I have seen a mod to change them out. But may be a lot of work.

I like to have a decent AM rig. Why I choose the 101. I have heard them on the air and they sounded pretty good on AM.
As far as the Kenwood, nothing but great reports from it. I very seldem use it. But as I said this is my 4th one. Now I maybe would sell my 140 :)
I love the audio of the 520. But hope to own a goos 101 one day.
I did go through this one when I first got it. The grease in the VFO had harden, made the receive warble. I took it apart, cleaned the old grease out and replaced. All fine now. I even have 5 sets of 6146's on stand by.
You've gotten me thinking about a 101 I passed up a few years ago that still had the plastic on it.:( I just looked on ebay to check out the 101 inventory and wasn't all that impressed. Sigh. It's so hard to find decent used radios, especially some of this old gear.

If I only had a good tech and deep pockets I'd have it made...:D

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