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Yaesu VX-8r upgrade to VX-8DR coming soon


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
Yaesu just announced that an APRS enhanced version of the VX-8r will be available 12/29/09 called the VX-8DR. The retail price is expected to be about $40 more than the standard VX-8r.

Key features are:
  • Smart Beaconing Function - This is a trademarked term by Yaesu, and I haven't found documentation yet on what this means.
  • Station List memories have increased to 50
  • The number of APRS messages that can be saved (memories) has incresased to 30
  • There is supposed to be a new indicator that shows the DIGI-PATH
  • Enhanced "heads-up" compass display on the GPS screen
  • The Message received LED flashing rate can be changed now.
  • The number of DIGI-PATH routes have increased to 7.
Existing VX-8r owners will be able to ship their radios to Yaesu customer service to have their radios upgraded for $60. Details on how to get this performed haven't been released yet.

[*]Smart Beaconing Function - This is a trademarked term by Yaesu, and I haven't found documentation yet on what this means.

Changes the transmit rate depending on how far you have moved. Not moving or moving slow = slower beaconing, moving fast = more beacons.

That is what it does in XASTIR. It is a cool feature. That and the increased message memory bank sound pretty sweet. Would be doubly cool if they had the CornerPegging algorithm in there too, but SmartBeaconing is a definite improvement.
Fabulous! I'm in. How do you find these things out? Will you be posting here when you know how to get the update?

I keep my ear to the ground, ask questions, read a lot, etc. I just spoke to Yaesu tech support about this upgrade and they don't have it yet from Japan. So we're still waiting. I don't think Yaesu would mind me posting this, because it will probably save them from answering a bunch of phone calls or emails. I'll certainly post the information about how to get the upgrade when it's available.
Other upgrades as well?

e.g., i'd like to have:

- better usability - select set menu items by typing item number

- better use of up-and-down arrow keys - they make no sense at all when just doubling the wheel.


and a turnaround time of 30 to 60 days for a software ugrade seems a tad bit too long in my opinion...
VX 8R or VX 8DR?

It's time for some new equipment. After taking a break from the hobby for a few years I am getting back into the hobby again and would like to take advantage of some of the new aspects of the more cutting edge radios like the VX 8R/DR. APRS and GPS features are something that appeal to me since I have never been a big rag chewer anyway. In some ways I think that Yeasu could have done a better job of implementing GPS into the unit and feel that the radio is a bit clunky with the extra cost bracket and GPS sitting on top of it. That said it is the best thing going. A question I have is regarding the differences between the VX 8R and the VX 8DR. With the cost between them as low as $60 and the VX8 DR being around $430 depending on the retailer. Is the extra cost worth the the extra features? Besides the extra features is the VX 8DR a unit with less reported bugs than the VX 8R? What do some of you think?

Is there anything else I should consider?


A question I have is regarding the differences between the VX 8R and the VX 8DR. With the cost between them as low as $60 and the VX8 DR being around $430 depending on the retailer. Is the extra cost worth the the extra features? Besides the extra features is the VX 8DR a unit with less reported bugs than the VX 8R? What do some of you think?

The new features are really just about extra APRS functionality. Some of those APRS features are "nice to have" but can be convenient. By now, whatever VX-8r product you buy will have all of the bug fixes implemented already. The decision really is just about whether or not the extra APRS functionality is with the extra $60 to you.
Just got off the Phone with Stephanie from Vertex. She needed my email to send me the following information....
I sent my info in.... hopefully we will hear something soon!

My name is Stephanie Fears. We talked earlier this year in regards to your VX-8R, which you mentioned getting upgraded to the VX8DR. As our program will soon begin, I was emailing you to inform you of this. Some of the information that I had received for this program is as follows:
Some VX-8R user’s who are enthusiastic APRS users may wish to upgrade their handheld to obtain APRS feartures included in the VX-8DR. However, we do not recommend that VX-8R owners that do not use or rarely use APRS bother with obtaining the upgrade- the upgrade only includes APRS changes.
This upgrade program is available only for radios manufactured for sale in the US, Canada and South America. The manufacturer’s warranty will continue from the original date of purchase (refer to Warranty Card). Upgrade parts and labor are warranted for 90 days from the return of your radio.
This upgrade will make all of the functions and features of the VX-8DR available to VX-8R. Owners. The cost for all parts, labor, and return shipping (USA Desitnation only) will be $60.00.
Owner’s may contact Yaesu Customer Service via e-mail. (see below) to arrange a date to send their radio to the USA Repair Center in Cypress, California for the upgrade modifications. Owners SHOULD NOT ship their radio until they are requested to do so by the YAESU Representative. Unscheduled early shipment will cause confusion and can delay the return of Owner’s radio.
Owner’s will be responsible for shipping their VX-8R to the YAESU USA Repair Center Packing, and packing materials are the owners responsibility. CARE IN PACKING AND THE USE OF PROPER PACKAGING MATERIALS IS CRITICAL FOR SAFE SHIPMENT AND THE VALIDITY OF ANY INSURANCE CLAIMS.
YAESU Recomends that owners keep a record of their VX-8DR programming before sending their VX-8R in for upgrade. After modification, the radio may be reset to factory defaults. YAESU will not install Owner’s previous programing.
To reset a VX-8R upgrade, Owner’s are requested to send in an email with “VX-8R Upgrade Program” entered in to the subject line. Send the email to Mr. Scott Dolliver, Customer Service Manager, at S.Dolliver@vxstdusa.com The e-mail should contain the following information:
 Full Name
 Address (where packages can be received)
 Email
 Daytime and Evening Telephone Numbers
******Also very important hold onto your SERIAL NUMBER*******
And once we have notified you, to send in your unit. You can have it sent in to:
ATTN: Amateur Repair
10900 Walker Street
Cypress, CA. 90630
Stephanie Fears
Customer Service Representative
Standard Horizon
Yaesu Amateur Radio
Vertex Standard USA, Inc. | 10900 Walker St. | Cypress, CA 90630
s.fears@vxstdusa.com | 714.827.7600 x 1310| FAX: 714.527.9472

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