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9lbs of noise on my radio,help!!

so today I watched my meter as the noise went away at 5:56pm, it went down slowly and as it would the needle would flicker and bounce around for a few seconds than it finally went away if this helps!
Maybe you could get the power company and a K-9 unit to visit your not too friendly neighbor's home to 'sniff' for RF,etc...

P.S. you're a paying electricity customer. They're supposed to take care of their equipment. However as for your neighbor,doesn't their equipment have FCC label on it about discontinuing usage if it causes rf interference ?


" If the pattern is on continuously, it may be caused by equipment that is in use full time, such as aquarium heaters and fluorescent lighting. Interference caused by your power company’s electrical equipment is normally continuous and your power company should be notified"
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Okay so here is a update, the noise would go away at 6pm than it would stop at 5:50pm than 5:40pm now it stops at 5:30pm

any ideas???
Electric company smart meter?
Does your area observe when Daylight saving times end and begin?
Can you attenuate your sniffer so you can get close to the noise source?
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Might be worth trying a horizontal dipole or a yagi. Won't stop the noise ,but you can turn away from it.Quad loops also tend to be a bit quieter ( vertical or horizontal)
this is a good idea. a dipole on the flatside should be quieter,to my understanding
they dont pickup as much manmade noise . [which i think you got].dnj radio
has one from sirio for under 100.00 not bad.id give it a try at this point
CB Noise

Good chance you have someone growing pot we are having same problem here the only thing that helps is the MFJ 1026 Noise and Interference canceler but it is pricey at 200 dollars but it does work. I am looking for a cheaper subsitute but have not found one. If anyone has please contact me also. Thanks
Someone is shortening up their daytime light cycle and getting ready to harvest some weed dude. Shorten each day by 10 minuets and you get buds.
Wow, I reread this thread and I was way off on my thinking on this as I too have some interference at times and only on some channels but only at a s-3 with a little hum to it and it's not consistent. I contribute it to the light in my yard as maybe dirty electricity as it's not to far from the antenna and it only happens to me at nights or early mornings.I really haven't pinpointed the source as this light is on all night and the noise comes and goes, so it may not be the source.

What happened to your neighbors sprinkler timer or pump or motor I thought I read something about and what about beyond your neighbors house in the back, are there any factories or anything else to point it to.

I hate to say this but have you thought of putting the Avanti av170 ground plane back up or is it useable to see if the problem goes away or is the new antenna that much better and not an option. Maybe just raising or lowering the antenna might help as well.

I would be interested to see the out come on this issue as well.

As has been said It's them growing weed There was a post a few months ago with someone with the same problem so I went by a neighbors house that I know has a medical card to grow an that noise was present .3 of a mile before an after his house like Duster said cheap ballast . Good Luck !

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