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So I want a Galaxy DX-979...

Well, I'm not gonna stick up for Galaxy radios. But this line of reasoning isn't exactly fair. I've seen and had to fix Cobra radios that did just as badly.

I remember at the last solar cycle, a guy had on rig on ch 6 that was all over the 40 channels and even some of the free band. He was so clear some ten channels away from ch 6, the only reason I know he was on ch 6 is because the signal strength was highest there. But not by much. At the time, I was on 38LSB and heard him clearly. He was on some plowed radio using 5 kilowatts.

Run a large enough linear (ha! linear!) and clip out all of the limiters out of the radio, and you can be #1 trash talker across the nation. Won't your mama be proud of you!

As far as Galaxy radios go; they aren't as good as Uniden radios are. Just not as freq stable. But you can make them work just fine, so long as they are in good repair and properly aligned. If you hear me on the CB talking DX, I'm on a Galaxy 959 that I picked up for almost nothing and made it work just fine. My mobile CB - too . . .
A 979 pretty handy size for a truck driver. I’ve always liked mine.

Literally; the best CB I’ve ever heard is a 959 owned by a friend of mine (in a long hood Pete). All the stars lined up on that one.

But neither has had other than a proper align & check.

I’d recommend a UNIDEN 980 any day. But welcome a 959 as a replacement the very next.
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Well, it’s 2 years later and I’m thinking about a 979 again. I just don’t know who to get it from. Here’s what I want.....

Galaxy DX-979 w/ Alignment
Open Clarifier Aligned Dead On Warm (50Hz or less)
2W Low Key, 5W High Key (Power Knob)
Palomar Max Mod
100% Modulation At Max Mic Gain
High Cut Filter in NB/ANL Switch
SRA-198 Mic
KL-203P Amplifier

Any suggestions?
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They are nice looking radios but my Galaxy mobile experience wasnt great.
Most of the problem was low quality parts that took an abnormally long time to "warm up" and stop the radio from floating. Now I did live in a very cold climate, in a school bus with only a wood stove but I didnt have this problem with many other radios including my 2950dx. I see there were some changes to the 959 with galaxy releasing the "b" version but im not sold on them.
I guess if you live in a warmer climate and not planning to use this radio as a mobile it should be an ok rig.
Now as to who to buy it from. All I can say is do your homework. You might be best off buying a new off the shelf rig and take it to your trusted tech to have the mods you want done properly. You might even find a nice barely used stock unit on Ebunk.
Any way you go we'll be interested to see it so post up when you get it!
Well, it’s 2 years later and I’m thinking about a 979 again. I just don’t know who to get it from. Here’s what I want.....

Galaxy DX-979 w/ Alignment
Open Clarifier Aligned Dead On Warm (50Hz or less)
2W Low Key, 5W High Key (Power Knob)
Palomar Max Mod
100% Modulation At Max Mic Gain
High Cut Filter in NB/ANL Switch
SRA-198 Mic
KL-203P Amplifier

Any suggestions?

With what you’ll spend:

1). Get the 86V instead. Left alone.
2). RK56 or 636L as better mic choice

That’s the performance boost.


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