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  • Tin Can, Alabama Buckeye here. PowerMax PM4-100 V PM3-100? I've a PM3-75 which does not have neither switch nor voltage set screw. Is that the same on your PM3-100?
    Hey Alabama Buckeye, I just went to radio room to confirm, both PM3-100 and PM4-100 have voltage adjustment 13v-16.5v and switch that selects 3stage and fixed output. Hop that helps you out, I run both in tandem at 14.5v to run all my amps and radios. fans have come on once since I have owned them.
    Alabama Buckeye
    Alabama Buckeye
    I'm interested to know why 14.5V?

    I adjust my 200A power supply to 14.5V. Stryker 655 or 955 either will readout 13.7V draw. I presume a protection component in the werx

    Might I guesstimate 14.5V for the benefit of greater watt output from linear amps? What boost might that be, 80W?
    I need help with my noise toys I found... has 5 wires red, black, yellow, green and white no clue where they go...
    If I remember correctly . red-hot . black-ground... Yellow - audio.... Green - ptt.... White is to a momentary switch to activate if my memory serves me correctly.... Please correct me if I'm wrong it has been many years since I've installed one.
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