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11 meter is very quiet?

Yes. I managed montego bay from new base setup in central TX. Finally some skip. Where are we in the cycle are we headed into or out of?
We are at the very beginning of the next cycle, so the next few years we should see a big increase. Some reports say that this might be the biggest cycle ever recorded, we will see. With the increase in activity, we should see more new radios come out and the price of used equipment going up. I have a Sirio 4 element beam that hopefully will go up this spring, looking forward to some great DX.
We are at the very beginning of the next cycle, so the next few years we should see a big increase. Some reports say that this might be the biggest cycle ever recorded, we will see. With the increase in activity, we should see more new radios come out and the price of used equipment going up. I have a Sirio 4 element beam that hopefully will go up this spring, looking forward to some great DX.

Thank you Sir. This was the information I was seeking. Just buying back into hobby after a 20ish year hiatus. Looks like I timed the return well on accident lol. Now I just need a good used 4 pill before those skyrocket even more than the demise of toshiba pills has caused in price.
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Shadetree Mechanic,

the current solar cycle, #25, began in december of 2019 and has been predicted to reach the solar maximum in july of 2025. as of today, the muf via boulder colorado has yet to reach 24 mhz. but it is trending upward with a doubling in the sunspot count over the last week, from 12 - 24.

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Jeez...why does Mother Nature tease?? Today so far no DX!!! Local only...well San Diego (100 miles) but nothing like yesterday. 2500 mile contact was my furthest so far! I had a grin from ear to ear!!

Good ears got me off the road before a dual fatality accident not far ahead, and another bad one a dozen miles past that. Quittin’ Time!

Been under the weather this past week and home from work,just resting and I can't remember the last time it was this quiet on 27.385LSB at least in my area,on a positive note I got my brand new Ranger 2995DxCF but just haven't hooked it up yet!! I heard a few skip coming in this morning,but only lasted 5 min's if that,looking forward to the solar cycle picking up in the summer months to come hopefully!!
yesterday i heard a few calls on 38 lsb. was busy n didnt get to answer them
Lately I’ve been supplementing my time by sorting nuts and screws. After 50 plus years of hoarding hardware, my miscellaneous bin was out of control. This was just another long and boring late night task that I get myself into with little forethought. Jobs like this are always complemented by monitoring some of my favorite DX frequencies. Last night none of the usual like 19, 38 or 40 meter CW sparked my interest, so I decided to chase AM broadcast stations like I did as a kid. After all the DX stations I heard last night, this is something I’ll probably do more often. I usually start by picking a random frequency that has several competing stations. One fades, another takes over type of thing. For me it’s not just the various interesting locations briefly captured, but the totality of it all that includes their local news, politics, advertising, gospel, and even a talk show on extraterrestrial activity. Ray Stevens - Turn Your Radio On

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