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Anytone At-6666 Pro

If Qixiang doesn't want us in the service menu, and I don't blame them, they need to at least add a menu function where the frequency calibration can be fine tuned. This is literally the only radio in the history of radios where there is absolutely no way to calibrate the frequency. There are no trim pots inside the radio, so software is how they would have to do it, like how the Icom 7300 does it. I'd love to see a firmware update giving us this feature, even if it only gives us +/- 100Hz from the factory calibration, that would be enough to properly dial it in.
There is always a way, but it's not currently available publicly. QX understands that some access is needed for the dealer channel, and for the "pro" end users. There is good news: There will be an official solution to this in the near-ish future. Stay tuned.

Your example of 20Hz frequency error is very unusual for these radios, however it is a perfect example of when access is needed, and is totally justified.

Unfortunately the brakes had to be put on the PRO service menu access early, because of the mistakes being made (and shared) by people who didn't have the equipment or knowledge needed. The PRO is the most solid and tested new QX radio to date, and QX wanted to see some consistency with the product, (at least for a while) to give the radio the chance it deserves. I agree with them 100% on this.

No understanding + a YouTube video showing access + a DOSY power meter = bad news for the radio, and bad news for the users who got it wrong.
A better solution is coming that will solve your issue.

Pez, thanks, hallelujah, that's great news. If QX would add that one feature to the firmware or programming software, I'd immediately go out and buy two more of these radios.

It shows that QX spent the time to debug it before they released it to market. Damn near perfect radio for 10/11m.

The power is plenty good as it is out of the box. On my LP-700, the QT80 puts out every bit of 100w on SSB PEP. Turned down to "24" on the power meter gives a solid 60W PEP, still plenty of power and probably a little easier on the finals. There is no need for anybody to get into these radios and turn anything up. They are plenty hot as-is.

I've given the radio a good workout over the last several days, and there's nothing else I'd change about it. I'll be watching for any updates. Thanks again.
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Pez knows more about Anytone (and its clones) than all of us put together! So I was waiting for his reply that arrived and now I'm satisfied, I won't look for other info. I trust him, I know why but there's no need to add explanations. He reads and if necessary intervenes. He does it on other FB forums too, but there's always some braggart (even admins!) who thinks he knows more than Pez but that's not the case and can't be. In any case the AT6666Pro breaks the past patterns and becomes an RTX that comes close to professional devices and this has never happened before. Furthermore, the testing of this RTX was much more laborious so the bugs are reduced to a minimum if not even to 'zero'. The only complaint left by some is its 'inclination' to heat up and therefore they are worried (as they were about the AT-6666 & CRT9900 & President Lincoln II+) but they are people who know little about modern electronics. Personally, I like mechanically silent RTXs and therefore I agree with the choice made by Qixiang who certainly didn't want to save a few dollars on a fan!
Sorry for the length of the post and thanks to those who read ...and sorry for the bad English too
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Cheers @c64new . I'm just here to help people out when I can, and to share any info I can.

The PRO isn't perfect (what radio is?), but I do think it's the best RTX of its kind we've ever seen, but to each their own. : )

The main thing that will be looked at more in the near future is CW mode, which still needs some features and refinements. But otherwise, the PRO is solid with no bugs reported as yet.

Your English is better than mine!

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But otherwise, the PRO is solid with no bugs reported as yet.
If only this was true...

I have reported an issue that got back to Qixiang. For now, I am considering it a one off/my bad luck unless I hear of others having the same issue. But it is the most advanced "10 meter" radio to date.
If only this was true...

I have reported an issue that got back to Qixiang. For now, I am considering it a one off/my bad luck unless I hear of others having the same issue. But it is the most advanced "10 meter" radio to date

It is true - failures can happen to any device. But "bugs" are something different to a failure. (When bugs exist they will be present in most, to all units).

What issue did you have?
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I got the station back up yesterday as mentioned in another post and the q6 pro is the main event here. Testing everything on the base yesterdays yielded some contact and have spent a few hours with it today with many qso's.

All this to say it is a fantastic radio. I have the original q6 but this q6 pro behaves completely different than it's predecessor.

I have yet to figure out the TX bandwidth setting but the vfo in 5khz steps makes things really nice.

So far, the radio has dethroned the 7900v (still an excellent radio) and now comes as the best export radio I've yet to own. Anytone knocked it out of the park with this one.
It is true - failures can happen to any device. But "bugs" are something different to a failure. (When bugs exist they will be present in most, to all units).

What issue did you have?

Unfortunately, I ran across another person with a Q6pro that has the same "issue" that I do. He is selling his on ebay because of it. That makes 2 people with the same "issue" that I know of.

I just disable my SWR protect and I can still use mine at full SSB output - I just can't use the built-in SWR meter on SSB.

This is going into a Dummy load. If SWR protect is enabled, radio shuts down TX above a certain power level. Full power AM/FM show a 1.0 SWR.

I think a component voltage rating is/has been exceeded in the SSB SWR circuit.

I think I will create a model specific thread (including rebadged models) for users with issues. That way, radio "issues" are available to the public where a lot more people can respond and it makes it a lot easier to identify trends/patterns that may indicate a "bug".

P.S. another Q6pro issue - https://www.ebay.com/itm/1564103518...pid=5336136228&customid=&toolid=10001&mkevt=1
Thanks for the info. That is an interesting one. What does the LCD report as the SWR value when this occurs? Does the displayed SWR peak higher than it should with modulation, and drop again without modulation, or does it "hang" (maybe indicating self oscillation).

Also, can you try a different dummy load / different test setup (coax, meter, load, etc)? Common mode current could cause this to occur, especially on SSB due to the larger, faster variations in power output compared to AM/FM modes. But it's definitely not "normal!".

I assume this is happening on an antenna, separate to your test setup as well?

(ps - it's up to you, but I would prefer to keep all of the info here to keep the info in the one place).
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There is always a way, but it's not currently available publicly. QX understands that some access is needed for the dealer channel, and for the "pro" end users. There is good news: There will be an official solution to this in the near-ish future. Stay tuned.

Your example of 20Hz frequency error is very unusual for these radios, however it is a perfect example of when access is needed, and is totally justified.

Unfortunately the brakes had to be put on the PRO service menu access early, because of the mistakes being made (and shared) by people who didn't have the equipment or knowledge needed. The PRO is the most solid and tested new QX radio to date, and QX wanted to see some consistency with the product, (at least for a while) to give the radio the chance it deserves. I agree with them 100% on this.

No understanding + a YouTube video showing access + a DOSY power meter = bad news for the radio, and bad news for the users who got it wrong.
A better solution is coming that will solve your issue.

20 Hz is nothing and QX is not going to grant user menu access to the ref osc adjustment.

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