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Are repeaters used that much anymore?


Jun 23, 2013
Is it just me, or does it seem that there is far less conversation on 2M repeaters than there used to be? I'm just getting back into the hobby after 8 years of being off-the-air due to the fact that my last 2M radio broke in 2005, and I sold it for parts and never bought a new one until last week.

I hardly ever hear much action on the local repeaters anymore. Not nearly as much as there was in 1997 when I first got my ticket. The FCC is still issuing a lot of licenses, but what are people doing with them? What's the point of studying and taking a test for a license if you're not going to get on the air?

I suppose that all depends on where you are located. Here in So Cal they're plenty busy.
Here in N Central FL.

You get to hear all the news about what new meds they got prescribed.

What the service was like at hardees,

What condition the roads are in

How bad the traffic is on the 2 lane road.

If any deer ran out in front of them driving to hardees.

Two old hams keep the repeater tied up most of the day.

Let's not forget the re-runs of judge Judy.

I traded off the 2 meter rig for an HF rig.
When I was licensed in 1992 our local area had 3 main repeaters. It wasn't uncommon to have traffic on all three at the same time. It seems like at least one was in use almost constantly thru the day. When camping I could impress my friends by being able to make a phone call on an autopatch.

Now, I often leave my radio in scan. It scans across 6 or so repeaters. Many times there is no traffic on any of them. There aren't any autopatches, but who needs them with cell phones so abundant?

I wonder if a lot of the new hams are off on digital modes, echo link, etc.
To be honest, I don't talk much. I'm not a "talker" in real life or on the radio.
I enjoy the technical aspects of assembling and operating a functional radio station but don't really feel the need to transmit unless I have something important to do. That's why public service events and emergency activities are nice. They are becoming few and far between too. As emergency agencies and just private citizens acquire more and more sophisticated communication devices I can see amateur radio will slowly fading away.
One local club near me has 3 repeaters. They are in the process of getting a 6 meter repeater up soon. I used to use the single 2 meter machine back in the 70's. I pay no attention to them now, since all 3 are linked. Even more stupid, is the fact, that the 6 meter machine is going to be linked as well.

Just plain stupid having them all linked. I think the owner/engineer just wants to be nosy, having them linked makes it easier. For years, the dorks shut all the machines off at midnight. Only in the past few months, have they left them on 24/7. All they talk about is work, computers and other hams personal lives. Bunch of stuffed up dicks with an impenetrable click hierarchy.

When I got my novice in '74, I joined their club. I quit after the second meeting. They were stuffed up then and still are. I haven't been a member of any club since.
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There's more spectrum than just 2M, but I guess it all depends on where you're located. We're pretty fortunate out here in So Cal. There's oodles of 2M repeaters and several on 220. I hang out on a very active 440 machine that's about 60 miles away from my QTH - It has pretty good coverage and most of the users can hit it with a 4W HT :w00t: It's a very diverse group of individuals too, so there's hardly a dull moment.

Have you looked at a current repeater directory or gone line to find out if there are more repeaters in your local area?

If you're a tech, upgrade to General and get on HF.

In Southern Indiana <salem>, we have 2 repeaters 440, and 2 meters.
440 is busy going home or to work then it is dead but it is linked to a handful of repeaters, and no activity in this area, just activity around Indianapolis. Two meters is dead, only on club net night and then dead.
I have my 2 meter radio monitoring on the OHIO RIVER COAST GUARD..more activity.

One local club near me has 3 repeaters. They are in the process of getting a 6 meter repeater up soon. I used to use the single 2 meter machine back in the 70's. I pay no attention to them now, since all 3 are linked. Even more stupid, is the fact, that the 6 meter machine is going to be linked as well.

Just plain stupid having them all linked. I think the owner/engineer just wants to be nosy, having them linked makes it easier. For years, the dorks shut all the machines off at midnight. Only in the past few months, have they left them on 24/7. All they talk about is work, computers and other hams personal lives. Bunch of stuffed up dicks with an impenetrable click hierarchy.

When I got my novice in '74, I joined their club. I quit after the second meeting. They were stuffed up then and still are. I haven't been a member of any club since.

You too huh? Same here. Some of these guys in these "clicks" are varacious brain wash preditors. As soon as one of them hear a new guy on the air they are right on them making them feel like they have no choice but to join, Especially when there is some sort of monitary gain to be had. They tried that with me and it took them awhile to get it through their ignorence and postureing that it wasen't going to work. The vhf groups I stay away from like the plaugue. I have heard how some of them treat new guys involved in their "clicks"....Miss a meeting or forget to pay your dues and you get burned at the stake. Screw that.

It's funny how they protray themselves like they are the best thing that has ever come to ham radio painting a family picture, When in actuallity there is a click hierarchy with a "handler" mentallity. It is also a joke when you hear them get on the discussions of the 11 meter operators when in fact they are worse than they are.:thumbdown:

Typical hypocrite click hierarchy richard cranium B.S.!
One local club near me has 3 repeaters. They are in the process of getting a 6 meter repeater up soon. I used to use the single 2 meter machine back in the 70's. I pay no attention to them now, since all 3 are linked. Even more stupid, is the fact, that the 6 meter machine is going to be linked as well.

Just plain stupid having them all linked. I think the owner/engineer just wants to be nosy, having them linked makes it easier. For years, the dorks shut all the machines off at midnight. Only in the past few months, have they left them on 24/7. All they talk about is work, computers and other hams personal lives. Bunch of stuffed up dicks with an impenetrable click hierarchy.

When I got my novice in '74, I joined their club. I quit after the second meeting. They were stuffed up then and still are. I haven't been a member of any club since.

Gee, I wish you'd tell us how you really feel!!!!
The local 'elite' club requires you to attend weekly radio nights at the clubhouse. Once you start attending, it takes 3 current members to nominate you for membership, then all the other members get to vote.

When I first joined, I think most of them were intolerant of a 13 y/o boy amongst their ranks. I quit during my second meeting. Anyways, the whole experience just motivated me to study and pass the rest of the exams.

There are two other clubs that invite me to their events and field days. I elmered many of them. I have fun at these events, as most of the dudes are working stiff hillbillies, like myself. I'm tempted to join, but haven't so far.

When I lived/worked in Athens, I visited a local club meeting with a friend. It only took me minutes to witness the members being segregated amongst the room based on license class or socioeconomic bias. I treat all hams alike, unless they stink or treat their family like crap.
There's some activity on repeaters in this area (Jackson MS). However, I hear a lot more local activity on the 40M and 75M bands. It seems folks would rather talk "direct" instead of going through equipment belonging to a third-party. I know I do. Of course I hang out on 160M, and there are generally fewer locals there than on the repeaters...

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