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CB Milage Limit

And if the test isn't the reason you don't want to be a ham?

Then you are making excuses. There are a-holes everywhere in every hobby. People say they won't get their ticket because of the way they were treated. Congratulations you just let the a-holes win. Amateur radio is what YOU make it. There are a few guidlines to follow but nothing more than what you would expect visiting someones house and following their house rules.
So what they really want then is something for nothing. They want the benefits without any of the responsibilities or effort to get it. :whistle:

How many VE's do you know? Talk about grading on a curve. On of biggest keydown guys is one. Anyone now can be a extra class. I didn't mind the 13wpm tests back in the day. At least it showed you gave it some effort.
How many VE's do you know? Talk about grading on a curve. On of biggest keydown guys is one. Anyone now can be a extra class. I didn't mind the 13wpm tests back in the day. At least it showed you gave it some effort.
Total B.S. it is either right or wrong and you must pass the test.
There is no curve. I know of 8 VE's and they were present at my testing. Four at my Technician/General test and four at my Extra test.
If what you are saying is true, prove it and get your Extra license in the next six months. If they are grading on a curve should be easy for you right?
If you already have it what is your call sign?
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How do you hold a call sign, while having your address hidden from public view?
(If I share my call sign with someone, it would have to be someone I'd invite into my home; on the internet people can look up your address, and nut-jobs and wack-o's can cause grief..)
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How do you hold a call sign, while having your address hidden from public view?
(If I share my call sign with someone, it would have to be someone I'd invite into my home, on the internet people can look up your address, and nut-jobs and wack-o's can cause grief..)
Get a Private UPS/Fedex mailbox, or USPS PO Box.
How do you hold a call sign, while having your address hidden from public view?
(If I share my call sign with someone, it would have to be someone I'd invite into my home, on the internet people can look up your address, and nut-jobs and wack-o's can cause grief..)
It's a matter of public record through the Federal Government.
Driver license same thing.
It's a matter of public record through the Federal Government.
Driver license same thing.
This is what I was thinking, but I may follow W2EKG's advice and setup a "barrier" or first level of protection against "quick & dirty doxxing" if I really decide that it means very much to hang that FCC station identifier on a wall, with pride; then that's what I'll do.
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How many VE's do you know? Talk about grading on a curve. On of biggest keydown guys is one. Anyone now can be a extra class. I didn't mind the 13wpm tests back in the day. At least it showed you gave it some effort.

Admittedly not too many right now but several in the past. So what? Questions are multiple guess and are either right or wrong. No curve. The question pool is published so now even a trained monkey can get a ticket by matching the answers to the questions without really having to actually learn anything.
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This is what I was thinking, but I may follow W2EKG's advice and setup a "barrier" or first level of protection against "quick & dirty doxxing" if I really decide that it means very much to hang that FCC station identifier on a wall, with pride; then that's what I'll do.
That is exactly what I'm talking about. I got my Extra license print up all fancy and got it framed by hobby lobby. It looks real nice and the people that have seen it are impressed. Amateur Radio is not just about Watts and a big frequency spread to play in. It is also about community service. After Hurricane Katrina the First responders were paralyzed due to the lack of communications. Local Amateurs took their own equipment and operators set up repeaters and communication centers to help them out. That's what some of us are about, not just long range skip or rag chewing. Service.
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