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Gotcha. Thanks for the info. Have you found anything missing from cbtricks.org aside from the galaxy symptoms and repair?
Just the datasheets that I noticed. I bet people with mirrors of the current cbtricks.org could put the datasheets and cgi-bin folders in their mirror structure to make them work again. Those two folders are probably small enough to upload here. The datasheets folder is around 100MB and the cgi-bin folder (where the symptoms and cures data is) is about 1MB. With those two folders, the .org site would probably be 98% or more complete (not counting forum).

My mirror is from Febuary 2016
Just the datasheets that I noticed. I bet people with mirrors of the current cbtricks.org could put the datasheets and cgi-bin folders in their mirror structure to make them work again. Those two folders are probably small enough to upload here. The datasheets folder is around 100MB and the cgi-bin folder (where the symptoms and cures data is) is about 1MB. With those two folders, the .org site would probably be 98% or more complete (not counting forum).

My mirror is from Febuary 2016
Am I misunderstanding something. On the dot org site, it states on the front page that it was updated I think to march 2023. Not sure if you knew that or not... Also, could you tell me like a sample of the data sheets you refer to so could compare because as I posted earlier, my sense was around 90 to 95 percent is there, if not more. Remember the Ameritron data was missing. I thing it redirected to some mfj files? And both symptoms and cures files are there. Not too much else was missing I dont think but maybe I didnt look close enough.
Boy this site doesn't work too good for me using a phone. Keeps posting just a few words like above before I get to finish. I don't know why.. Anyway, I was trying to say I would like to have that galaxy S & C database, if possible. That's the only thing I couldn't find yest as I was checking dot org. There were plenty of files downloadable as .pdf and lots of schematics opened right up and so I don't know what is not available on dot org bedsides the galaxy symptoms material.
Not sure but it might be something similar to Facebook. I am used to hitting the ENTER key as a carriage return to start a new line but on FB when you do that it posts whatever you have typed to that point. Annoying as hell to those of us that grew up with smart computers and dumb phones.
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Am I misunderstanding something. On the dot org site, it states on the front page that it was updated I think to march 2023. Not sure if you knew that or not... Also, could you tell me like a sample of the data sheets you refer to so could compare because as I posted earlier, my sense was around 90 to 95 percent is there, if not more. Remember the Ameritron data was missing. I thing it redirected to some mfj files? And both symptoms and cures files are there. Not too much else was missing I dont think but maybe I didnt look close enough.
Those updates are "to the public" updates, not cbtricks updates. That is the exact same page, and radio in the corner, as my mirror from 2016 (the radio in the corner changed periodically). I dont think that contained anything from March 2023. Whoever is managing the backup that currently xists has simply edited the original index.html file to read that.

It looks like the Ameritron stuff is missing in mine as well, but I will dig for it. Maybe I have it in an older mirror on a drive in storage. If I don't report back here about it, I didn't find anything for ameritron.

Here is a txt file output of the datasheets that were present when I mirrored it.


  • datasheel list.txt
    14.1 KB · Views: 10
Those updates are "to the public" updates, not cbtricks updates. That is the exact same page, and radio in the corner, as my mirror from 2016 (the radio in the corner changed periodically). I dont think that contained anything from March 2023. Whoever is managing the backup that currently xists has simply edited the original index.html file to read that.

It looks like the Ameritron stuff is missing in mine as well, but I will dig for it. Maybe I have it in an older mirror on a drive in storage. If I don't report back here about it, I didn't find anything for ameritron.

Here is a txt file output of the datasheets that were present when I mirrored it.
1st of all, I meant to say the galaxy symptoms files were NOT present.
Ok, I'll check those data files and see how they compare with dot org. I think I understand that the it's a mirror (a copy in time) with url dot org not dot com and it's not cbtricks itself. I wasn't trying to say otherwise. Someone uses a site copier and does so at various times and I guess they or someone else agrees to host the site.

As to the update notations, I just assumed they were for real because why would someone go to all that trouble (I don't know if the copying is alway a complete copy or has the ability to just update any added data from the previous copy) if there was no new data? And saying march 23 is somewhat specific. Why bother noting it?

Thx again I'll check out those files.
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Here are the symptoms and cures folders. Extract the cgi-bin folder to the www.cbtricks.com directory in your mirror (or your desktop etc if you dont have a cbtricks mirror).

Access it by going to \cgi-bin\database\galaxy_db.html for galaxy symptoms and cures and \cgi-bin\database\radio_db.html for other radios symptoms and cures.

Using the search feature will obviously return an error when it goes to bluehost, but if you click "Show All", it will allow you to navigate the pages manually and view the info on each.
show all.png


  • cgi-bin.zip
    213.6 KB · Views: 12
I couldn't find anything for Ameritron in my CBTricks stuff. However, I assume that MFJ redirect is due to Ameritron and MFJ being the same company, and once upon a time, that ameritron website worked and had all the manuals, so it was just linked to in CBTricks from the start instead of copying everything over.

I went on the wayback machine and found those pdf's and downloaded all the pdf links that it had available (I did not download the antenna stuff though). Here are the manuals I found.

AL-84 Manual.pdf


  • Ameritron Manuals.zip
    18.7 MB · Views: 9
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For the past few days, I have been using an online service to download everything the wayback machine had on CBTricks for the purpose of getting everything forum related into a folder so I could search through it using my computer.

The attached zip folder contains two folders. One titled "forum" and the other titled "forums". These two folders contain everything the wayback machine was able to capture from both the original forum (folder named "forums") and the newer simple machines forum (folder named "forum"). There is also a shortcut in the zip that links to the forum main page html inside the "forums" folder used with the original entry point (the one that seemed to have the most working links).

It isn't much, and it is fairly broken, but there are two ways you can go about digging through it.
  1. You can access the forum web page by clicking the index.html shortcut in the extracted zip folder. Only a limited number of threads will appear under each topic, and those threads usually end one page in. Some wrk better, but most do not. Navigating to Cobra, for example, only has 9 threads accessible this way. Many less than the counter says the forum had.
  2. You can use your computer to search for specific words in all of the downloaded forum pages. For example, (at least in windows 7) you can use the search feature in the upper right corner and type "content:example" and it will find all html pages that mention "example".
Method 1 offers the highest chance of following a link but does not find everything and will not show anything from a capture date after it.

Method 2 offers the ability to search everything, including what snuck through from the later forum stuff that the crawler was able to grab somehow without logging in, but following the links from a html page you opened manually (in this case) usually brings you right to the index of the root of the drive you saved it to. In other words, most links are dead and you can usually read only what is on that one page. Edit: windows does not show the usual green status bar searching like this, and it takes a while for all content searches to complete.

I was hoping for more, but with the archives crawlers set to only a few links deep and login pages throwing errors, I guess I should be happy to have found his much. Was it worth the $20, probably not, but it is off my mind now. I did try to delete the vast number of "bluehost" and "404" pages, but there is still a little junk in there.

As for other stuff not necessarily forum-related and not in the usual mirrors, I did not find much. A swf file titled bushchampions, a photo of a guy at his drum set, a photo of someones radio setup and HandyAndy's PC-122XL in HD pages.

Links to files that were in the radios section or the like are also dead because this zip only contains the forum folders. We all have that stuff anyway.

I do know a PHP guy, so if anyone hears from Bennie, tell him I'd be willing to see if that "deck of cards" can be reorganized. Short of that, I am giving up on finding anything more. The attachment extracts to about 90MB on disk.


  • Forum Stuff.zip
    19.2 MB · Views: 15
Last edited:
For the past few days, I have been using an online service to download everything the wayback machine had on CBTricks for the purpose of getting everything forum related into a folder so I could search through it using my computer.

The attached zip folder contains two folders. One titled "forum" and the other titled "forums". These two folders contain everything the wayback machine was able to capture from both the original forum (folder named "forums") and the newer simple machines forum (folder named "forum"). There is also a shortcut in the zip that links to the forum main page html inside the "forums" folder used with the original entry point (the one that seemed to have the most working links).

It isn't much, and it is fairly broken, but there are two ways you can go about digging through it.
  1. You can access the forum web page by clicking the index.html shortcut in the extracted zip folder. Only a limited number of threads will appear under each topic, and those threads usually end one page in. Some wrk better, but most do not. Navigating to Cobra, for example, only has 9 threads accessible this way. Many less than the counter says the forum had.
  2. You can use your computer to search for specific words in all of the downloaded forum pages. For example, (at least in windows 7) you can use the search feature in the upper right corner and type "content:example" and it will find all html pages that mention "example".
Method 1 offers the highest chance of following a link but does not find everything and will not show anything from a capture date after it.

Method 2 offers the ability to search everything, including what snuck through from the later forum stuff that the crawler was able to grab somehow without logging in, but following the links from a html page you opened manually (in this case) usually brings you right to the index of the root of the drive you saved it to. In other words, most links are dead and you can usually read only what is on that one page.

I was hoping for more, but with the archives crawlers set to only a few links deep and login pages throwing errors, I guess I should be happy to have found his much. Was it worth the $20, probably not, but it is off my mind now. I did try to delete the vast number of "bluehost" and "404" pages, but there is still a little junk in there.

As for other stuff not necessarily forum-related and not in the usual mirrors, I did not find much. A swf file titled bushchampions, a photo of a guy at his drum set, a photo of someones radio setup and HandyAndy's PC-122XL in HD pages.

Links to files that were in the radios section or the like are also dead because this zip only contains the forum folders. We all have that stuff anyway.

I do know a PHP guy, so if anyone hears from Bennie, tell him I'd be willing to see if that "deck of cards" can be reorganized. Short of that, I am giving up on finding anything more. The attachment extracts to about 90MB on disk.
i have to ask,,, how are you getting the "forums" all i can find is the cb tricks info,, the forums was lost, the foums was where members asked questions and other members answered them,, i was a member, there was so much info and repair answers lost on the forum part of cb tricks,, so again i ask how are you getting the forums?
i have to ask,,, how are you getting the "forums" all i can find is the cb tricks info,, the forums was lost, the foums was where members asked questions and other members answered them,, i was a member, there was so much info and repair answers lost on the forum part of cb tricks,, so again i ask how are you getting the forums?
Long long ago, the forum did not require login to view the threads, and some of the early captures on the wayback machine allow you to access the "message board" without loginng in. Later on, the forum side got updated and required a login to view anything. However, due to either a security flaw or some other reason, a few of the forum pages from the newer forum got captured by the wayback machine as well. I downloaded everything from all captures off the wayback machine.

Its mostly early stuff that made it into the archive, but the vast majority of it is indeed lost, as far as I know.
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i have to ask,,, how are you getting the "forums" all i can find is the cb tricks info,, the forums was lost, the foums was where members asked questions and other members answered them,, i was a member, there was so much info and repair answers lost on the forum part of cb tricks,, so again i ask how are you getting the forums?
To illustrate the limited scope of what was recovered, I can only find two threads started by you and 5 replies from you to other posts across everything that was recovered. It is a nostalgic glimpse into what was once there, thats it.
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To illustrate the limited scope of what was recovered, I can only find two threads started by you and 5 replies from you to other posts across everything that was recovered. It is a nostalgic glimpse into what was once there, thats it.
Nostalgia, yes sir.

I have a few phone screenshots from before the cbt fall and every time I see them it brings the Nostalgia. The good o'l days
@brandon7861 Appreciate the files for the Cgi-bin folder, I pasted the html files in the folder on my hardrive and it opens from the index page perfectly. Could you post up a zip of the contents of the datasheets folder as well?

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