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Ch 6 user is bleeding over EVERYWHERE

An I thought I was the only Lucky Op to have the pleasure of having that guy in Mississippi wipe me out 4 ch either side of 38 .It's been happening here off an on for weeks .
There's a couple on Ch 20 I'm hearing for the last few months that wipe out Ch 19 here in LA, there is nothing more aggravating.
You seldom hear this happening; but if you have been listenting to the 11m band or even the 10m band, there is a dude who has bleeding over - like I haven't heard in years. One can hear hin on 38 LSB as well as one can hear him on ch 6 AM.

This 'person' doesn't realize he is wasting his potential 'maul' power on ch 6 by spreading it over such a huge spectrum.

Won't be long before the FCC chops him down.
That is, if they have any credibility whatsoever.

Enjoy the moment, moron . . .

Actually, I hear bleedover on a daily basis.

Well, most illegal CBers with their "inbred bleedover generators" do this. I'd say 99% of those idiots making "inbred long distance calls" bleed over at least one channel.

Since CB criminals usually use Class C amplifiers, made for FM and sold as "linears" really are not linear at all. Class C amplifiers can be made cheaper. Since CB amplifiers are illegal, there are no quality control standards. It will get worse as these RM Italy and other overseas cheap brands come into the hands of people who do not know what they are using.

Couple these already dirty amplifiers to the typical CBer who has no technical knowledge who sets his radio to "all pots to the right" and you then couple the dirty splatterbox radio to a dirty splatterbox amplifier, you now get a bad mess.

Every CBer who operates illegally has no one else to blame but themselves. If an illegal CBer complains about bleedover.... tough... they do it to.

By posting this, I do NOT say the OP is an illegal CBer..... I'm just adding fuel to assist his cause :)

BTW: I imagine my comments will be shredded by illegal CBers. I do not care. I do not recognize illegal CBers as having any proper knowledge of radio, thus invalidating any comments. Your Mileage May Vary, Batteries sold separately
Actually, I hear bleedover on a daily basis... If an illegal CBer complains about bleedover.... tough... Your Mileage May Vary, Batteries sold separately

I had a CBer move into a rental near me.
the first time I heard his splatter, above 28 MHz, I told him to turn it down,
of course, he didn't, soooo, his radio became pretty useless.:rolleyes:

after about a month, he moved away.
I had a CBer move into a rental near me.
the first time I heard his splatter, above 28 MHz, I told him to turn it down,
of course, he didn't, soooo, his radio became pretty useless.:rolleyes:

after about a month, he moved away.

I wish it were that easy to get rid of ALL problem neighbors.
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Actually, I hear bleedover on a daily basis.

Well, most illegal CBers with their "inbred bleedover generators" do this. I'd say 99% of those idiots making "inbred long distance calls" bleed over at least one channel.

Since CB criminals usually use Class C amplifiers, made for FM and sold as "linears" really are not linear at all. Class C amplifiers can be made cheaper. Since CB amplifiers are illegal, there are no quality control standards. It will get worse as these RM Italy and other overseas cheap brands come into the hands of people who do not know what they are using.

Couple these already dirty amplifiers to the typical CBer who has no technical knowledge who sets his radio to "all pots to the right" and you then couple the dirty splatterbox radio to a dirty splatterbox amplifier, you now get a bad mess.

Every CBer who operates illegally has no one else to blame but themselves. If an illegal CBer complains about bleedover.... tough... they do it to.

By posting this, I do NOT say the OP is an illegal CBer..... I'm just adding fuel to assist his cause :)

BTW: I imagine my comments will be shredded by illegal CBers. I do not care. I do not recognize illegal CBers as having any proper knowledge of radio, thus invalidating any comments. Your Mileage May Vary, Batteries sold separately

I'll put my CB against the any broadcast transmitter on the planet. Ohh wait mine is!
I've heard the same station and it's not bleedover because the interference seen on my pan adapter is stronger at points further away from the fundamental frequency. For example the signal fades proportionally as you move up from channel 6 until you approach channel 20 where you find an enormous spur just 6 db down from the signal on 6. There are a couple of other spurs being generated by this transmitter but they are much smaller than the one I mention. Between them all, he pretty much kills the entire band.

This is typical of a butchered Tram D-201 where someone clueless modified the VFO for transmit and managed to keep both the crystal synthesizer and the VFO output tied together and feeding the transmitter simultaneously. Now we get the transmitter operating on the two frequencies plus the sum and the difference between the two. Four spots all at once! If the operator only knew how much power was being wasted he would send that Tram to someone who could restore it.

I was scanning the channels last night, and could hear 766 all across the band. You could almost make out every thing he was saying on every channel, except for channel 6, where he was getting walked on by mm maul. It was weird. He was able to be heard on every channel, while simultaneously being taken out on the channel he was transmitting on. Would the explanation for this be what your saying shockwave?

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