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Electrolytic capacitor kits - new website available ...

Klondike Mike

Sr. Member
May 31, 2010
Alberta, Canada
I've opened up a new website outside of eBay. I'm sure there are a few that do not login there and will now have access to my kits. See link below;


first page thumbnail.jpg

Good Deal Mike...SAVED to Fav's
I have gotten to point where I won't deal with eBay unless absolutely can't find anywhere else!
I have a "few" stores I know are Top Shelve, but otherwise won't touch them.
Thanks for the new link.(y)
My KWD TS130SE is on my list to work on!
All the Best
Nice Mike. (y) I was looking at the kits for the TS-820S and the R-1000 which may soon be on my purchase list. Have you any plans for a kit for the Kenwood TS-520? I have one of those tucked away in my shack as well.
Have you any plans for a kit for the Kenwood TS-520?
I'm glad you are interested. The kits that I provide are far from being all inclusive of every radio ever built. The basic ingredients that I stock limits what radios I cover. I do not stock any high voltage axial or radial capacitors. I have a listing for the Kenwood 530, just minus 6 high voltage capacitors. I can do the same for your 520.
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I'm glad you are interested. The kits that I provide are far from being all inclusive of every radio ever built. The basic ingredients that I stock limits what radios I cover. I do not stock any high voltage axial or radial capacitors. I have a listing for the Kenwood 530, just minus 6 high voltage capacitors. I can do the same for your 520.

Well if you could do the TS-520 as well as the TS-820S I certainly would be interested in one of each. The HV caps do not concern me that much.

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