If you are ever deemed a threat...
Public Nuisance...
Generating Interference on PA (address intercom systems inside stores and homes - Alexia, Google and Home Entertainment not inclusive) interfering with communications not pertaining to you...
You can be arrested for such above, and equipment can be confiscated in civil forfeiture if you are charged with any misdemeanor crime or above...all it takes is a Police complaint about noises - if you are blasting your audio and the entrainment system of the home happens to be picking up your signal and they, being the party you're interfering with gets it recorded on the 911 call - it's kinda hard to testify against yourself.
So don't go around making a nuisance of yourself - don't bother anyone - and talk away...
But if you cause interference with anyone around you - it can get you into trouble. Especially with cameras on phones these days, you can get tagged and harassed, tailed and stalked by police and detectives for a long time...
The police don't need FCC to stop complaints - they just need to locate the person doing it.
The "Radio and equipment" is up to you to prove it didn't cause it - so the burden of proof is on you, remember the phone cameras and recording of the 911 call - if you're heard or seen on any of it - well, Better Hope the FCC may be the only people that LET you get your equipment back. That is if they decide to intervene.