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Father's Day Giveaway thread nominations - Only a few days left!


Ham Radio Nerd
Apr 14, 2002
Only a few days left for the Father's Day drawing! Here are the current list of nominations. Please add other if you think we missed some, and feel free to nominate yourself! We will edit this first post with the definitive list of those who qualify for the drawing in each category.

Ham Radio Prize entry names
C2 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/home-brew-mods/96110-crystal-radio.html
C2 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amateur-radio-antennas/98761-2-meter-4-element-dc-yagi.html
C2 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amateur-radio-antennas/98759-23-cm-biquad-antenna-lips.html
Eagle 1911 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amplifiers/99053-multi-band-low-pass-filter-kit-unfiltered-amps.html
Eagle 1911 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amplifiers/93982-quick-dirty-class-ab-mod-kl300p.html
Eagle 1911 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amplifie...140w-pep-eb63-amplifier-low-pass-filters.html
Peter Walker - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amateur-radio-antennas/99330-cactus-super-j-pole-project.html
AcidRod - http://www.worldwidedx.com/vhf-uhf-...nstall-late-model-chevy-truck-quick-easy.html
AcidRd - http://www.worldwidedx.com/useful-ham-links-tools/106833-rfinder-android-repeater-app.html
Westtexan - http://www.worldwidedx.com/product-reviews/108739-yaesu-yaesu-7800r-review.html

CB Radio Prize entry names
Wire Weasel - http://www.worldwidedx.com/meters-m...me-echo-talkback-recorder-box.html#post264098
Unit_399 - http://www.worldwidedx.com/home-brew-mods/93158-homemade-base-station-monitor-switching-center.html
TexasOutlaw - http://www.worldwidedx.com/amplifiers/96230-home-made-amp-base.html
BootyMonster - http://www.worldwidedx.com/home-brew-mods/102961-booty-4-a.html
ExitThirteen - http://www.worldwidedx.com/home-brew-mods/94951-galaxy-saturn-power-supply-swap.html
Last edited:

Hi All,

Just wanted to put up a couple more projects that I've worked on:



Also, an interesting project from an avid forum builder, HomerBB:


I'm sure he has many other projects that could qualify too...

C2, Your projects qualify, although HomerBB's does not. It showed up on another site.
Last Call!

If we missed something that should be eligible for the drawing, let us know now!
Wasn't thinking about the contest when I posted, but wouldn't this count? --> http://www.worldwidedx.com/useful-ham-links-tools/106833-rfinder-android-repeater-app.html

Actually the rules stated a ham radio product review counted as an entry, so that would count as well. I didn't specify what type of product it had to be.

It's just about noon on Father's Day on the west coast. I'll wait for a couple more hours to see if there are any late nominations that we missed and do the drawing.

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