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Fergusun poll

Will Officer Wilson in Fergusun be indicted?

  • Yes and will be found guilty

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • Yes and will be found not guilty

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Yes to simply avoid riots

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • No and quite rightly so!

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • CNN and MSNBC should be sued!

    Votes: 11 34.4%

  • Total voters

can't wait to see how this plays out. i believe there will be protestor violence no matter what decision WAS made .
From someone who lives a few miles from there, I don't know what the decision will be. However, if the rioters think they can get away with rioting, they will riot regardless.

Did you know that the "protesters" demanded a two day notice before the results of the grand jury were to be released? Why would they want that unless they intend to cause trouble?

Most of the people arrested for causing trouble are actually not only not from Hazelwood, but not even from this area in general. Not only the St. Louis area, but the state of Missouri. People are actually traveling here to from elsewhere to cause trouble in the name of the local populace, and the Hazelwood populace have spoken out against that multiple times.

IMHO, the protesters are living in a fantasy world. they believe person who claims to be an eye witness, however, they ignore four other eye witnesses that all have stories that contradict this one eye witness. Also, with the video of this eye witness, much of what she said is subjective.

The protesters say they want justice. That is a lie, if they wanted justice they would simply let the justice system work. They don't care about justice, what they really want is revenge. The officer in question is guilty in their eyes, no matter the facts.

The DB
The thing is that if the skin colors were flipped around no one would ever have heard of Furguson, MO. The racist hate mongers like Sharpton, Jackson, CNN and anyone who travelled to Ferguson to "get their piece of the looting pie" wouldn't have been interested. At some point the silent majority of people in this country aren't going to be so silent anymore and bury racism and all it's minions once and for all.
It truly amazes me to have watched them interview protesters and questioned them on FACTS like "if he was running away, why are all of the bullet entry wounds in the front of his body?". You get answers ranging from "he spun the bullets, just like in the matrix" (or what ever movie that was), to "cuz he bounced them off something (Jed Clampit style) to make them hit in the front...". And they seem to sincerely believe this crap. How much hate must they have to twist facts to ridiculous levels like this?

I'm still trying to connect the dots on why labor unions are busing in protesters. What's their gain?

DHS trucks stashed in the area...
B.O. and Holder ringing their hands waiting for the other shoe to drop...
This isn't going to end well.
The thing is that if the skin colors were flipped around no one would ever have heard of Furguson, MO. The racist hate mongers like Sharpton, Jackson, CNN and anyone who travelled to Ferguson to "get their piece of the looting pie" wouldn't have been interested. At some point the silent majority of people in this country aren't going to be so silent anymore and bury racism and all it's minions once and for all.
We would have to start at the top a few mile to the NE
Most of the people arrested for causing trouble are actually not only not from Hazelwood, but not even from this area in general. Not only the St. Louis area, but the state of Missouri. People are actually traveling here to from elsewhere to cause trouble
Exact same thing that happened in Oakland during the Occupy movement. The people creating the trouble would just drop in, wreak havoc and leave with their sense of entitlement intact .. and the 99% paying the bill.
It's just "Justice For Trayvon" all over again. No one mad about the shooting cares about the facts while CNN and MSNBC fan the flames.
It's all about getting those free flat screens.

HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT!!!!!!! If he only did that he'd still be alive only facing a D Felony charge.
After doing jail time he might have gone to college.....but I doubt it.
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The national news media is mainly to blame for the chaos imo. Same with trayvon, occupy and whatever story they are twisting and stirring on that day. Why is this even a national story? Why is holder and the justice dept getting involved? Just to cause more division and hate. They want these people to riot and burn Ferguson to the ground. The fools that will do it, buy into this 1960's idealogy of racism that the media is spewing. What do we expect, America elected a community organizer and activist as the leader of the free world.

Is this going to be the case every time something like this happens? Are white police officers across the country going to have this in the back of their minds every time they come across a black perpetrator? Probably, and the streets aren't any safer for it.

Whatever happens, I truly hope the violence is stopped before it starts, that the media and out of towners
move on, and leave the people of Ferguson alone.

Just my 2 cents
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I'm sure the mayor and governor have already been told that no charges are going to be filed...Only reason they haven't told the public yet is because they are waiting till the National Guard and all the Police are in place to handle the riots...Plus gives them a little more time to clear-out all the jail cells and beef-up the hospital's emergency teams...

Come Monday..."Cat's out of the Bag"...

I also know this because Dish Network put CNN back on TV Friday, just in-case the jury came back early...CNN wouldn't want to be left out of any ratings just because of a contract dispute with one of it's carriers...

Just hope Monday they wait till I get home from work to make the BIG announcement! Wouldn't want to miss any of the game...Already got my popcorn bowl ready for a all night'er!:whistle:

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