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This is about as real as it gets right here....

Very nice but not uncommon now a days to hear so many 11 meter black box exports and CB specifically made for 11 meter operation, sounding just as good or better. And hard drives hand hadn't put a single finger in those rigs. So what's special about the audio in the clip you shared? Once again I'll state it's very nice. But in comparison to so many I hear daily especially on 28 AM it's sounds (to me) sort of a beginner's "HiFi" transceiver. If that's what it is then great job, but still sounds sophomoric. I wish 131 mustang wasn't edited out. It might've given some newbies who've not heard the many different types of transmitted audio that can be obtained by those with good to excellent technical knowledge, soldering skills or what one could sound like with an investment of about 300 - $1,000. Maybe 131 Mustang wouldn't be a good candidate for comparison especially if he was on his Dave made. There are a few plug-and-play items that I haven't actually heard on air but sound very convincing in their YouTube
advertising clips. And the one or two reviews done by people not associated with those companies gave them a thumbs-up for doing exactly what they're advertised too. With every day that passes this type of audio is becoming commonplace.
I do have a personal question for you (radio pork chop) It's apparent to me that your knowledge is at or well above the level to get just about any black box 11 meter export or older CB radio sounding just as good or better than the clip of hard drives stryker why, do you even send your radio to the person you praise with such ferocity (fine tune radio shop?) You sound just as knowledgeable as he does and in all honesty minus the narcissism you display in your postings I'd probably give you a chance working on a radio of mine before ever considering fine-tune CB shop. Fortunately I have a qualified technician who does excellent work @ a fair price, and is a gentleman who helps all who ask. Customer or not. 73
Very nice but not uncommon now a days to hear so many 11 meter black box exports and CB specifically made for 11 meter operation, sounding just as good or better. And hard drives hand hadn't put a single finger in those rigs. So what's special about the audio in the clip you shared? Once again I'll state it's very nice. But in comparison to so many I hear daily especially on 28 AM it's sounds (to me) sort of a beginner's "HiFi" transceiver. If that's what it is then great job, but still sounds sophomoric. I wish 131 mustang wasn't edited out. It might've given some newbies who've not heard the many different types of transmitted audio that can be obtained by those with good to excellent technical knowledge, soldering skills or what one could sound like with an investment of about 300 - $1,000. Maybe 131 Mustang wouldn't be a good candidate for comparison especially if he was on his Dave made. There are a few plug-and-play items that I haven't actually heard on air but sound very convincing in their YouTube
advertising clips. And the one or two reviews done by people not associated with those companies gave them a thumbs-up for doing exactly what they're advertised too. With every day that passes this type of audio is becoming commonplace.
I do have a personal question for you (radio pork chop) It's apparent to me that your knowledge is at or well above the level to get just about any black box 11 meter export or older CB radio sounding just as good or better than the clip of hard drives stryker why, do you even send your radio to the person you praise with such ferocity (fine tune radio shop?) You sound just as knowledgeable as he does and in all honesty minus the narcissism you display in your postings I'd probably give you a chance working on a radio of mine before ever considering fine-tune CB shop. Fortunately I have a qualified technician who does excellent work @ a fair price, and is a gentleman who helps all who ask. Customer or not. 73
Being a sonar technician in the Navy back in the late 80s doesn't qualify me to do this type of work. Keep in mind government equipment is built to higher standards and Tighter tolerances requiring absolutely no skill whatsoever to troubleshoot or repair since every piece of equipment is virtually identical which means that following a service manual means that you are virtually guaranteed to accomplish consistent results. Working on these cheap black box radios and accomplishing SDR perfection or consistent results is very difficult to do considering every radio is totally different even if it's the same model the tolerances are so sloppy on all the components that every radio requires different components and different bias voltages to accomplish the same results which requires a lot of physics which isn't exactly one of my strong points and being able to do 50 mathematical calculations simultaneously to predict how changing one value of one component would have an effect on the entire radio since there are multiple circuits working in conjunction with each other it's way too mind-boggling to even think about attempting at this late stage in life. This also means that following a service manual virtually guarantees you will be incapable of accomplishing consistent results. You pretty much have to be an engineer to accomplish consistent results and each radio is a unique masterpiece.
I guess I'm one of those folks that recognize my own limitations and the more I learn the less I realize I know.
The audio that you heard In that clip is only 6000 Hertz wide and watt for watt, will dominate the Airwaves in comparison to something 20000 Hertz wide. The point is some things are better left in moderation and this is an example of a healthy balance of fidelity vs performance. If this type of audio is common in your world I wish a little bit of your world would rub off onto mine since I come from the truck driver world and I don't get to hear stuff like this too much since I've been running local the last 7 years. I'm sure there's lots of technicians capable of doing something similar but unfortunately they do not work on Black Box export radios for a living and simply do it as a hobby which disqualifies them from being included in the people who do it for a living.
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How much on average does it cost to get the radio fine tuned by him? Just curious if anyone has a ballpark figure. I dont use facebook anymore otherwise Id ask him myself.
I guess it depends on how many stages of amplification are involved,
and if it's a used radio it ends up costing more than if you were to just purchase a new one from him. I think he charged me 80 bucks the last time he did a Barefoot radio for me. He ends up charging for his time so the more complicated it is the more it will cost. If amplifiers are involved he charges more as the output potential of the amplifier increases.
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I guess it depends on how many stages of amplification are involved,
and if it's a used radio it ends up costing more than if you were to just purchase a new one from him. I think he charged me 80 bucks the last time he did a Barefoot radio for me. He ends up charging for his time so the more complicated it is the more it will cost. If amplifiers are involved he charges more as the output potential of the amplifier increases.

Cheers, Im going to run my 2970n4 at less than half power ( unmodified ) when I get replacement this week. My goal is reliability and stability, maybe I got the wrong radio for that but I feel he can help bring out the best in it. After a lot of research on here and other forums which I am not a member of, I read and learned that its best to have the radio "out of the box" looked at, since more often than not some of the settings from factory are not optimal, and with optimal I am not just talking modulation or power.
The more I read as there were more replays to my op then I ever would've imagined the more I'm believing there is lots of cuckoo talk going on. laughing-smiley-face-gif-CuckooSmileyFace.gif
Working on these cheap black box radios and accomplishing SDR perfection or consistent results is very difficult.
I had no idea one could Accomplish SDR from a black box 10 meter radio. Doesn't SDR stand for software-defined radio? Are black box export "10" meter radios software-defined in any way at all? Now I'm just getting confused!
RPC, this is a email i sent heil about his mics on the cb. His end quote i hope will come to pass so we could use them on the cb.
Hi Tony
DOn’t have any thoughts on this. Hand microphones are always pretty terrible. The other situation is the the CB transmitters do not have good audio to star with. Wish I had better news.
I am working on an accessory that will allow the use of our balanced professional microphones to be used on the equipment…. Stay tuned
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I had no idea one could Accomplish SDR from a black box 10 meter radio. Doesn't SDR stand for software-defined radio? Are black box export "10" meter radios software-defined in any way at all? Now I'm just getting confused!
maybe NASA grade Precision would have been a better description
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