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Forum HF contest 16-17 May.


WDX Club Coordinator
Staff member
Nov 5, 2008
The Great White north
I had planned for it to be 9-10 May but looking at the number of contests going on that weekend decided to push to the next.
As it stands right now here is the rules:

-Only contacts with other FORUM members count in the contest. The W9WDX roster maybe found as a sticky thread located here http://www.worldwidedx.com/threads/club-member-roster.132229/

-Frequency: HF 80 / 40 / 20 / 10. From top of the hour to the bottom for 80, 20. From bottom to top for 40, 10. For frequencies, forum frequencies 10 meters: 28.455, 20 meters: 14.322 ( + ).

-Date/Time: 0001 16 - 2359 17 May 2015 UTC. If you're not sure how UTC time works, check here http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?p1=3875

-Contacts: Contact logs may be in any format but it must be deciphered by common programs and must be posted in theW9WDX Contest Logs located here http://www.worldwidedx.com/forums/w9wdx-contest-logs.193/

Create only one thread for your contacts. You can edit or reply to your own thread, using it as your log throughout the contest (if you wish). The format is attached as an Excel file. It may be an excel attachment OR pasted into your thread.

At the end of the contest (+3 hours), the contacts forum will be locked, so make sure you upload all of your contacts before the end date/time.

Contacts will be verified against each others' logs, non confirmed contacts will not be counted.

-Multipliers: 2x multiplier for mobile, portable, or maritime contacts.
3x multiplier for any contacts outside of CONUS and Canada.
4x multiplier for QRP. For this contest QRP is 10 watts or less.

-If you operate as mobile, maritime, or portable during the contest, you are credited with the multiplier for any contacts you make. If you operate as a base, you receive a multiplier for any contact you make with a mobile, portable, or maritime contact. Make sure you clearly designate these in your log

-Power limit: Maximum power 200 watts PEP

-This is an "on your honor" contest and intended to be fun. Please play by the rules

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Reactions: Singularity35

hmmm, so I pull the boat up next to the tower, put the rig in the boat on the trailer and that would be mobile maritime?:sneaky:

thanks Bin for organizing the event should be fun:D
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Reactions: Singularity35
hmmm, so I pull the boat up next to the tower, put the rig in the boat on the trailer and that would be mobile maritime?:sneaky:

thanks Bin for organizing the event should be fun:D
wavrider, you are now on my official "don't read with coffee in my hand" list. I just spilled it all over the front of me.
Interesting contest, be more interesting to just use the forum frequencies, and on 40 use around 7282 is quiet a lot, on 80 meters NO idea, your turn.

7.262 sounds good for 40, on 75 meters? where ever one can BUST through the QRM, that band gets crowded and rough in the evenings
Maybe BJ has a freq he might recommend.

I spend most of my on the air time on 17 meters, ten when it opens.

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