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FT-100D distorted , muffled modulation


New Member
May 3, 2019
Just purchased a Yaesu FT-100D . Everything on the the radio seems to work fine , output power is within spec. and is dead on frequency . The radio just has muffled , distorted modulation and almost reverb/echo sounding also . I did the mic mod and also replace the mic with a new one . Reset all settings back to factory and also tried to adjust settings in both menus with no change to the sound .
I've tried adjusting the following :
16 DSP mic eq
25 MIC Gain
27 COMP Level
F51 AM Carrier
Anything I,m missing or somone have had this problem before . Any advice would be helpful .
Thanks in advance and 73

I've brought down MIC GAIN to 13 and COMP down to 15 . Adjusted the power a lil . It cleaned up alot but now the audio is very low . Almost no sweet spot in between .
Thanks for the replies. After a lot of help from a local operator and a lot of adjustments i have it talking pretty good . I had to drop the mic gains , carriers and adjust comp , all around 25% lower than factory defaults . Still have more to adjust but at least its in the ballpark.
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I do my utmost best to talk my friends out of buying any Yaesu transceiver whenever possible but sometimes they don't listen.I love my Yaesu Rotor but I have sworn off any radios a long time ago after having so many with so many issues that I spent lots of money on & they still were not fixed. YAESU = Yet Another Excuse Simply Useless.

I have 5 YAHOO radios:ROFLMAO: Luv them all!
ICOM: I Can Only Monitor:LOL:
All the Best

ICOM = I Can Only Monitor and because I run QRO ICOM station it’s my signal report that I monitor and that is my goal.It’s great being a Big Dog.


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