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Help with standing wave on a new penetrator 500.


Feb 9, 2010
Dunlow,West virginia
Help with a new penetrator 500,I have tried every measurement,50 ft of new coax above the rooftop and cannot get below 1.5 on 40,and 1.4 on channel one,has anyonegot a measurement i can try?

A friend just put his together at 22' plus a few inches to get flat on 20. I think the manual has measurements for ten or twelve meter. (y)
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If you've not tried lowering the top section of the vertical just a bit I would. It is favoring channel one, which indicates the best match may likely be below that frequency. Shortening the overall length of the vertical should bring it in nicely.
How much? Can't say, but I'd probably start with 3", and see where it lands.
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your vswr is completely safe . you can adjust the length of the vertical and ground elements for fine tuning though .
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It may be too close to the roof. You did not say how high above ground or the roof it is.

Exactly. "Measurements" that somebody in another location takes might work perfectly well for him and be out of the park for you. This is where an antenna analyzer would pay for itself. If you don't have one, experiment. Try changing dimensions a little bit and take notes about what happens. In general, the longer the antenna, the lower the frequency at which it'll show the lowest SWR.
Some stats about what you have tried would help with analysis!
If you have used the measurements that are in the manual, there's no wonder your having problems.
As stated up stream, the swr your seeing is better then some stations out there.
I've had two P500s and both of them were over 22 ft.


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