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I finally ordered the new tower today.


I often wondered what it is that I am doing wrong when it comes to tower work. While I was risking life and limb doing this in sweltering heat:


And this:


My ground crew was busy doing this:



BTW just to show what I am upgrading from, here is a picture of the base section of my old 40 foot tower in front of the base section of my new 64 foot tower.The old one is 22 inches on a face at the bottom and only 9 inches at the top while the new one is 42 inches at the bottom and 18 inches at the top.


How much did the new tower cost? I home built my 31ft. Tower with a 24" face,wire welded rigid electrical conduit . Three 10ft. Sections


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How much did the new tower cost? I home built my 31ft. Tower with a 24" face,wire welded rigid electrical conduit . Three 10ft. Sections

The tower is a 64 foot Trylon Titan T-500 series. Trylon makes HUGE towers for the commercial industry and smaller towers for amateur/wireless providers as well. Mine is considered a very small tower by Trylon standards. It will support 52 sq.ft. in a 70 mph. wind. Tower cost is about $3800 plus shipping plus six yards of concrete for the base. I built the work platform myself. All the antennas were new as well except the 6m yagi which was home brew from a defunct Wilson Shooting Star. Rotator was upgraded from a Ham II to a Yaesu G-2800DXA. Final cost was more than I want to admit too for everything.

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