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Linear seems like it is not amazing on AM


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Hi Everyone,
Now that I was able to get the Lincoln 2+ working the next thing was a linear test (Texas Star DX 350HD). The radio sounds great on AM without the linear on. When the linear is on the carrier is good but the audio is about 20%. When in USB or LSB the audio and signal are great. I do this test with an SDR about 10 miles away. Any thoughts as to why the AM audio is restricted but SSB is amazing?


10 watts. I was told by the owner that you could go higher with a HD (high drive) amp. Maybe thats not accurate?
Oh my!!! I am reading about this amp and it may not actually be a high drive amp. Is that possible?
Yea a 10 watt dead key for a Texas Star 350 is mucho grande too hi. Remember most cb amplifiers have HD stamped on them so they sell better. If you have a decent watt meter what is your dead key out from the amp when wide open? It should be say in the 50-80 watt range. You might want to run the radio closer to a 2 watt dead key input.
Also on AM you should be able to key the amp (or trigger it as you put it) with as little as 1/2 of a watt.
Yea a 10 watt dead key for a Texas Star 350 is mucho grande too hi. Remember most cb amplifiers have HD stamped on them so they sell better. If you have a decent watt meter what is your dead key out from the amp when wide open? It should be say in the 50-80 watt range. You might want to run the radio closer to a 2 watt dead key input.
Also on AM you should be able to key the amp (or trigger it as you put it) with as little as 1/2 of a watt.
Even though they put HD on them, that don't always mean that you can have a high dead key, usually they are referring to the swing. You can have a higher swing on AM than the normal 10-15 watts like a regular cb. If you look up the amp on the Texas Star website, it should let you know what the dead key should be and what your max swing should be. If you keep your dead key down and the swing just under what they say max is, that amp should last you a long time.....

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