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Looks like no yagis again this year however...........

Captain Kilowatt

Professional Amateur
Staff member
Apr 6, 2005
Nova Scotia,Canada
If it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all. A brand new tower went up a few years ago but it still remains empty. the first year I ran out of good weather before winter set in. The second year I procrastinated too long and then tore a thigh muscle making it impossible for me to climb for over a year. The next year saw a possible expansion of my house that would have been over the area between the house and tower so it was put on hold again. that did not happen however I blew out the meniscus in my knee and completely tore the ACL so once again this summer I find myself unable to climb. Installing my antennas will be no simple task as it involves a 2m/70cm omni, 2m yagi, 6m yagi, 12/17m yagi and a 10/15/20m yagi with a 40m conversion kit installed and this requires the mast to be jacked up with each antenna added. Of course this means multiple runs of LDF4-50 cable, rotator, remote coax switch etc. I can maybe just MAYBE get up the tower ONCE and that will be to free up a jammed pulley system currently supporting half of a broken wire antenna. I may try that tomorrow if the wind stays down. In any event today I installed 46 feet of 3 inch irrigation pipe in one loooong piece today which will support the far end of an inverted L strung off the tower at 60+ feet. It should be close to a 1/4 wave on 160m. It will be suspended 10-15 feet from the tower and fed thru an automatic tuner minimizing feedline losses due to high SWR. Hopefully this will get me back on the air until next summer. I just need to re-tension the guy wires a bit but ran out of steam for the day. Oh yes.....I DID remember to thread a rope thru the pulley at the top BEFORE I raised the mast. LOL

Dadgum, Captain. Might be time to call it quits on the football playing. After reading your post, I'm exhausted and my thigh and knee both hurt. :D
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Antennas will never work unless installed in the dead of winter at -20C....
Seriously, you have a shack where as I'm portable, mostly SOTA now a days.
Dadgum, Captain. Might be time to call it quits on the football playing. After reading your post, I'm exhausted and my thigh and knee both hurt. :D

I wish I could say it was from playing football. The torn muscle was from a slip and fall in the driveway one winter. Worst pain I had in my life and that includes a few broken bones. Scratch that.....the worst pain in my life was a large kidney stone. The torn muscle was a number 2 but pretty much on par with the stone. The torn up knee was from being a 53 year old thinking he was a 23 year old and not using a ladder to climb up on something. :eek::confused:
I wish I could say it was from playing football. The torn muscle was from a slip and fall in the driveway one winter. Worst pain I had in my life and that includes a few broken bones. Scratch that.....the worst pain in my life was a large kidney stone. The torn muscle was a number 2 but pretty much on par with the stone. The torn up knee was from being a 53 year old thinking he was a 23 year old and not using a ladder to climb up on something. :eek::confused:

Remember, Advil is cheaper when buying bulk. ;)
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Remember, Advil is cheaper when buying bulk. ;)

Advil? HA!! May as well as had some M&M's. I couldn't even get in the truck without laying across the seat and pulling myself in while pushing against the door with my left leg as I could not even raise my right one. That was when I had the torn muscle. Right now I am living on Celebrex and cortisone shots for the knee until surgery. I hope to get up the tower either today or tomorrow to free up the jammed pulley and install a yardarm to allow me to raise and lower various wire antennas until the yagis are installed next summer.
Advil? HA!! May as well as had some M&M's. I couldn't even get in the truck without laying across the seat and pulling myself in while pushing against the door with my left leg as I could not even raise my right one. That was when I had the torn muscle. Right now I am living on Celebrex and cortisone shots for the knee until surgery. I hope to get up the tower either today or tomorrow to free up the jammed pulley and install a yardarm to allow me to raise and lower various wire antennas until the yagis are installed next summer.

Believe if I were in your shape I'd be looking at a ground mounted antenna. (n) Which I am. :ROFLMAO:
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.... Right now I am living on Celebrex and....

Be real careful with continued use of Celebrex, I was on it for a while and then I went to a different Doctor for a different issue.

When I told him about the Celebrex usage, he did a full liver panel on me and told me to stop using it because extended usage will destroy the liver.
Be real careful with continued use of Celebrex, I was on it for a while and then I went to a different Doctor for a different issue.

When I told him about the Celebrex usage, he did a full liver panel on me and told me to stop using it because extended usage will destroy the liver.

Only on the Celebrex when the cortisone shots wear off or if it starts to bother me from doing something stupid. LOL I have full bloodwork done every three months anyway due to type 2 diabetes and the dr. is MORE than pleased with the results.
Believe if I were in your shape I'd be looking at a ground mounted antenna. (n) Which I am. :ROFLMAO:

Well that will happen when I get really old and cannot pay someone enough to climb for me. I have been using rotatable yagis since I was 16 years old.....that's 38 years BTW. It's hard to go back. Besides ground mounted 2m and 6m antennas do NOT work very well at all regardless of how many radials you have.:p
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