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Pot growing Static


Active Member
Jun 1, 2012
Southeastern Michigan
I do not if anyone else is experencing this problem but pot growing noise is a problem to quite a few on our home channel 27.165 even if grower is 4 houses away causes alot of static or noise in radio. One has one next door he has 9 db one 4 houses away he has 7 db . Has anyone have any ideas that will not cost a lot that we can try out to help them. These are legal growers so we cannot do anything legaly about it and the growers will not even change timer time for them either they say its not their problem. Thanks Jimbo165
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Wow, that's one I've never heard of. After researching this a bit, I see that digital ballasts for the HID hydroponic lights they use cause RFI problems.

Assuming you are in the US, I'm inclined to think the same thing as buickid... FCC. Get all your friends that are getting interference to write a letter. Your timing couldn't be worse, since the government has shut down so many offices, including the FCC.

Well it certainly is their responsibility as it is not permissible to generate RFI. I suppose the FCC could be contacted but have all your ducks in a row first with names, addresses, times, etc and don't expect action overnight either.
The first step is getting the neighbor to understand it is their responsibility. Most electronic ballasts I've seen have to pass FCC inspection. Someplace on the ballast should be an FCC ID number. It might be useful to look up the ID and note the stipulations of it's certification. The main one should read the device must not cause interference.

Then you can proceed to fix the problem the same way you would if it were a device receiving interference. Stop the power cords from becoming antennas that in this case radiate interference rather than pick it up. Ferrite cores placed on the power wires close to the ballast should help. In stubborn cases it may require .01 caps across the AC line too. Make sure you use caps with proper voltage ratings here.
I do not if anyone else is experencing this problem but pot growing noise is a problem to quite a few on our home channel 27.165 even if grower is 4 houses away causes alot of static or noise in radio. One has one next door he has 9 db one 4 houses away he has 7 db . Has anyone have any ideas that will not cost a lot that we can try out to help them. These are legal growers so we cannot do anything legaly about it and the growers will not even change timer time for them either they say its not their problem. Thanks Jimbo165

Maybe if you state your case with the grower he might throw you a dime bag every week for your trouble.
This could turn out to be an pot growing detection method.

Very true. And actually, the little research I did said that some Comcast guys stopped at this guys house (he was not growing legally) because they were picking up interference from his home, and his neighbors were complaining their cable was not working right. The article I found was from Big Buds magazine, and they're not referring to beer. :laugh:

I have also heard that the electric companies will turn growers in to the authorities if they are using up a lot more electricity than normal. And also, the local sheriff's often have infra red cameras on their helicopters, and I have heard that houses with pot glow like crazy because of the heat the plants put off.

Interesting stuff... and I never thought about the ramifications to radio reception.

The FCC will do nothing unless the interference is to a licensed radio service.

While the FCC no longer issues a tangible license I believe the CB service is still considered a licensed radio service hence the reason they can revoke your privilege (not a right) to operate a CB radio. By placing a station on the air it is deemed that you have agreed to the regulations and thus receive automatic licensing.
While the FCC no longer issues a tangible license I believe the CB service is still considered a licensed radio service hence the reason they can revoke your privilege (not a right) to operate a CB radio. By placing a station on the air it is deemed that you have agreed to the regulations and thus receive automatic licensing.

That's not correct. CB radio is not a licensed or protected radio service in the US. CB operates on regulated radio spectrum but that's about it. They usually issue fines or revoke someones ability to use the CB radio when that person has committed a serious or repeated violation of part 95. Or when the CB radio operator is interfering with a licensed radio service. As an example: A CB radio must accept any interference caused by a a Licensed Amateur radio station or other interference source but that same CB radio is not permitted to cause interference to a licensed Amateur Radio station or other licensed service.

The only way to resolve an interference issue involving CB radio where the CB is receiving the interference is for the CB Op to sit down with the neighbor causing the interference and try to work something out.
Pot growing is legal now here and it is starting to cause alot of problems with CB radio operators. I am trying to find out if there is a inexpensive way to filter it out. There is the mjf1026 but at 200 dollars kind of expensive and do not know if it will reduce signal input also. I have some people that give me a 3 db signal I used to talk to all the time but cannot now due to pot noise and if unit also reduces signal would not help me to hear them anyway. I used to have for almost two years 0 noise level at night it was great. Thanks Jimbo165

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