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QRZ Still Down?

I didn't know it was down but I just tried it and all I get is:

The connection has timed out

The server at www.qrz.com is taking too long to respond.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Yesterday the site message was that it was down for maintenance and the down time would be about as long as it takes to catch a fish. It's still down with the same message. I guess they're not biting. :whistle:
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Yesterday the site message was that it was down for maintenance and the down time would be about as long as it takes to catch a fish. It's still down with the same message. I guess they're not biting. :whistle:
Upgrades can do that. I don't know where the server is located but there have been a lot of storms that may have downed power and phone lines.
naw, it has nothing to do with power failures/storms/ect.

they were "upgrading" the software and effed it up.

now they have the site webpage stuck in a loop and it times out.

This webpage has a redirect loop


BTW, I heard a "rumor" from a very reliable source that one of their paid moderators got in a pizzing contest with some one on a DIFFERENT site,.................. and then banned that person from QRZ.
naw, it has nothing to do with power failures/storms/ect.

they were "upgrading" the software and effed it up.

now they have the site webpage stuck in a loop and it times out.

This webpage has a redirect loop


BTW, I heard a "rumor" from a very reliable source that one of their paid moderators got in a pizzing contest with some one on a DIFFERENT site,.................. and then banned that person from QRZ.

If that is true it's pretty dirty to do that. Crap from one forum should not be carried over to another.
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If that is true it's pretty dirty to do that. Crap from one forum should not be carried over to another.

I agree 100%, many people are spending less time there for various reasons.

there are obvious cliques with agendas there and it is tacitly allowed for "certain" posters to violate the TOS, while others are held accountable for the same actions.
the entire site has a (not very well hidden) political slant.
Its workin for me.

Looks like the forums are still down, but everything else is working.

"QRZ Forums Remain Down for Maintenance
The QRZ forums including Private Messages are down at the moment as we continue work on the system.
We are devoting maximum effort to bringing them back so in the meantime, feel free to browse the rest of the site. We hope to have things up soon. How long will it take? About as long as it takes to catch a fish. In other words, we're hopeful."

QRZ Forums Remain Down for Maintenance

The QRZ forums including Private Messages are down at the moment as we continue work on the system.

We are devoting maximum effort to bringing them back so in the meantime, feel free to browse the rest of the site. We hope to have things up soon. How long will it take? About as long as it takes to catch a fish. In other words, we're hopeful.
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The new message now is that they're in the progress of migrating to Xenforo. They're planned migration to new vBulletin failed. They're learning the same thing I did last year about the vBulletin upgrades and have made the same decision to ditch the platform.

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