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Random Acts of Kindness - WWDX Style

I’ll have you know my injectors are flowing just fine without YOU getting in there and fouling things up. And my emitters...they emit just enough to get the job done...keep your scruffy, nurf herder hands outta my proton phasers. I’m the original Dark Lord, I command respect!!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

RAOK is a good idea. I need to dig around and see what I got that might help someone else out.

Installation of tweety-bird chirps in every used but “free” Workman microphone sent out.

Consider it done. I have a huge box of used mics that I’ve been toying with what to do with. This idea is stupendous, absolutely awesome! I shall be considered a god amongst men for such work!!

Don’t forget the NSFW sticker to go on the backside, reads, “I got my red panties on!”

Authenticity is what makes a gift timeless & tasteless.

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I’ll have you know my injectors are flowing just fine without YOU getting in there and fouling things up. And my emitters...they emit just enough to get the job done...keep your scruffy, nurf herder hands outta my proton phasers. I’m the original Dark Lord, I command respect!!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

RAOK is a good idea. I need to dig around and see what I got that might help someone else out.
Sorry, just trying to help. Your lady du Jour said your injectors back fired and stained her couch covers!
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Consider it done. I have a huge box of used mics that I’ve been toying with what to do with. This idea is stupendous, absolutely awesome! I shall be considered a god amongst men for such work!!
Oh puhlease, maybe among the Ewoks. They thought C3PO was a god too. Did you find your respect yet Kemo Sabey?
NOTE TO THE CASUAL OBSERVER, the Real Pork Chop and I are actually very good friends and we keep this banter going for the amusement.
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I’ll amuse you. I’ll die for the greater good. I’ll fly my tie fighter right into your house and pop some jiffy pop on the flames while I burn (again).

While my cape is flaming, I’ll run out your house with your amps in tow...
Sorry, just trying to help. Your lady du Jour said your injectors back fired and stained her couch covers!

Keep it up funny man...that thread about 11 meter skip...they’re getting all that skip cause I flipped the switch to turn off your wheelchair charger. You keep on and I’ll flip another switch, turning off your respirator...I’ll show you dark lord and dark side...

You don’t worry bout my phaser or injectors or low drive quad beam quantum spectrum radius divider. I got this on my own... I built this Death Star by myself!!
TRPC is best when he is stuck in a Ton-Ton's butt.
The reason the skip is running is because your ol' jalopy of a death star is failing every emissions test ever invented. Yeah the skip is rolling, your head will as soon as the emperor catches you siphoning fuel out of his imperial transport.
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The skip is rolling because it’s bouncing off my Prime Star dish I mounted with the poles off your walker. Everyone is happy that I grounded you.
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The skip is rolling because it’s bouncing off my Prime Star dish I mounted with the poles off your walker. Everyone is happy that I grounded you.
I know this is a lie! I just got off the phone with your mom and she is ticked because you didn't put gas back in her minivan after your last attempt to invade Tatooie. She says she will have to have it detailed before she can go. She said one of your troopers got car sick from eating from eating black candy whips and Big Red soda pop.
All this banter and not one single act of kindness, yet.

I’ve not been this disappointed since all those troopers missed Solo, in that hallway, for no reason.
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