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Reminder: ...................Smoked

Redbeard U812

WDX-1030 / U812 South Texas
Jul 14, 2018
Well, one of those senior moments just a few minutes ago.......storm coming through and I forgot to disconnect my antenna coax. Yep! Sudden strike and when I opened the door was greeted by the infamous blue smoke plume wafting from the back of my radio. No wonder they call them Strykers. :mad:


seriously though, that sucks. sorry to hear about the radio.
Im sure you will give it a proper burial.
Just got a break in the weather and shined a light to see if antenna was still there......still there. But how much is unknown. Will break over tomorrow and inspect. Luck of the Irish I presume. Multiple ground rod locations may have served the purpose.
My residual funding recently went for some oral surgery. I guess it gets put on shelf with my two strokes out and limping 148's
Crap,i got up 3 times the last week n unplugged my scanner and radio.put them cables in a glass jar
Crap,i got up 3 times the last week n unplugged my scanner and radio.put them cables in a glass jar

Guessing you have never seen what a Lightning strike does to a Glass jar when it hits an antenna? It will blow the glass apart & embed glass into the walls & anything else near by.It is NOT a pretty sight.

Guessing you have never seen what a Lightning strike does to a Glass jar when it hits an antenna? It will blow the glass apart & embed glass into the walls & anything else near by.It is NOT a pretty sight.


I use the term glass fragmentation grenade to describe the old coax in a jar thing.

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