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SAL Electronics 6 Meter Moxon


Supporting Member
Jan 14, 2012
Chicago, IL
  1. SAL Electronic is developing a 6 Meter Moxon. The antenna features 1/2” 0.058” hard drawn aluminum tubing, 1-1/2” square aluminum tubing, all stainless steel hardware, fiberglass insulation, and a 6 KW PEP balun. Yes!, that's 6 KW PEP or 3 KW AM (Continuous Carrier) operation. Thus, this Moxon will loaf along at the 1.5 KW legal limit for Ham Radio. The 1.5:1 VSWR bandwidth is 3 MHz. The entire 6 Meter band is covered at less than 1.8:1 VSWR, with the lowest VSWR provided at the lower portion of the voice phone band between 50 and 52 MHz. The mounting bracket will accommodate 1-1/2” mast, and allows for either horizontal or vertical mounting.

    Mike, KC9Q

I hope this gets on the site. I have been having the same symptoms that Homer has with the Moxon design software. Namely the design frequency is higher than the actual operating frequency. The antenna was designed around 50.4 MHz, however the VSWR is lowest near 50 MHz. The goal is to have the antenna cover most of the 6M band with low VSWR.

Also looking at a 10/11 Meter version using 3/4" and 1/2" aluminum tubing. Two tubing sizes are needed due to the larger size at 10 Meters.



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Well, i havnt dug into the moxongenerator (how it is "builld" up).
But i can imagine the corner bends the tapperd elements are causing "miss leading" information. A 'standard" Nec2 engine would do the same.

You will also find out the "standard" provided measurments dont provide "best" values,
Thats logical as it didnt provide the resonant frequency either.

another thing are: the wires from element to balun..those migth be involved as well.

With that said...it is worth the effort to put some effort into it.
The moxon is one of our "best" sellers for years now..

Kind Regards,

Henry Poelman
HPSD Antenna systems
Last edited:
Looks nice! That would be a really great antenna for a beacon station, or nice antenna for monitoring band openings.

What does the pattern look like, and what is the price? I want one!(y)

On edit, a center frequency of 50.150 would be useful, as most 6 meter SSB/CW ops monitor the lower end of the band for beacons and below 50 Mhz for video coming from across the pond and CE music from SA.
Here is a calculated horizontal polar plot. Gain is around 6 dBi, and F/B is -33 dB. The measured VSWR for the antenna shown is 1.1:1 at 50.150 MHz:


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Getting the parts to finalize the construction. After then I can determine a price. Then will need to write manual and obtain packing material.

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