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sonwatcher and cw morse please read

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Sonwatcher, you say you do nothing to stop what you believe is coming, then criticise others for not doing anything? C'mon

Do you often say things that aren't stated ? It seems to me that is you guys that are doing the criticising, I just threw the ball right back at you. I said there are some things we can change and some we can't. I deal with things in my way of choice not your way. I disagree with a lot of "truth" that is being paraded here by people that claim to have the knowledge but have done nothing with it but downtrod those that may disagree. Is it my duty to resist ? Not in the way I see is being sanctioned by this group. I have read murder advocated here, hate toward "Zionist pigs" as was stated.I do believe the Elders of Zion is a fraud as has been stated. Guilt by association ? Not sure of your meaning.
I don't dwell on this stuff, you may that is your choice. You have the freedom to do so as I have to not. But the evil advocated here makes hooking a dog on a hook as was posted seem minute in comparison. So don't blow wind in my ear and tell me how I must believe this and do this and act like this when what you say you know within yourselves has made not one iota of a difference in the situation you say you believe exists. If this is your goal in life to spend your time looking for conspiracies whether there or not, Then have at it. I have more prescious things to do and enjoy than filling my mind with this stuff.

Tell me, with all this knowledge that you claim you have what are YOU doing ? Bubblepuppy believes killing polititions is in order. I don't believe he is doing it. I see you all writing here telling everyone what they should do and believe in the world of "conspiracy" yet just what are you all doing ? I see all of you as people who like to "talk" . I see you as self acclaimed "information highways" that travel from website to website "talking" and telling everyone what to do and what they should know. I have answered Bubble's challenge to read and have shared my opinions with my findings but it seems whenever anything is shared that contradicts your "facts" either is ignored or retaliated with names and postings of hot air rantings. You all can quote your favorite websites very well but it seems any outside investigation is ignored when it might contradict your "knowledge".Like I said before, I am instructed to be prepared inwardly. I will not dwell on these things but live my life with joy and happiness. I don't live in fear, you do by choice. I find happy things in life. But with the conspiracy world so consuming your every wanting breath I don't see you being able to find any happiness in life.
Do you often say things that aren't stated ?

I'm part of a group?
Which one?
Wasn't aware of that.

I do believe the Elders of Zion is a fraud as has been stated. Guilt by association ? Not sure of your meaning.

When lies are mixed with truth, many will look at the whole thing as lies.

So don't blow wind in my ear and tell me how I must believe this and do this and act like this when what you say you know within yourselves has made not one iota of a difference in the situation you say you believe exists.

Where did I say this^?

Anyway, the first part of cure, is diagnosis. No treatment is possible until the patient(citizens), is aware of the disease(incremental loss of freedom). Are you saying creating awareness makes not one iota of difference?

I see you as self acclaimed "information highways" that travel from website to website "talking" and telling everyone what to do and what they should know.

????????????? Where is it that I do all this?
Kwijibo said:
And CW, good post until you tell us you're a fat guy. More keyboard heroics. Facts carry more weight than the guy poking keys.

There are no heroics here. I am 6 foot, 235 lbs., large framed.
I added the phrase as a joke and to defuse any thoughts of aggression. But I don't back down from threats, nor will I be intimidated by paranoia. I spent 23 years in the transportation industry doing everything from slinging a sledge to lifting 100+ lb transmissions, pumps, and motors. I am no "bad, bad" boy, but I am no wuss, either. I don't back down from physical threats, nor go looking for fights. OTH, what I was saying is, it is one thing to call someone names like BP has been doing, quite another to stand face to face and do it. Face it, most of us would be reluctant to call someone a "fool" in person, particularly if the one doing the name-calling is smaller than the one being insulted! *I* wouldn't do that.

Obviously, Mr BP has some issues if he is THAT obsessed with conspiracies and hate towards his fellow man that he must insult others; he can't discuss an issue nor brook any other opinion than his own. He cannot support his theories, so he must insult and "scream" at his opponents in the debate. Anything different about any other human being is "shown" as a defect, either in character or in genetic makeup. These people HAVE to have some group to hate, to put down in order validate their own sense of self-worth, thus they come down on a group of people. And these pronouncements of conspiratorial misdeeds must needs always show some sort of misbehavior by said group. "The International Jewish Conspiracy", "Them Jewish bankers"--SOMEBODY has to be a culprit in order for their theories--and bad theories they ARE--to survive. Yet, if the Jews, so reviled by these ignorant people, were/are such a threat to a nation, how was it that
"Crystal Night" came to be? How was it that they were corralled into ghettos by Himmler? OH! I forgot! It "never" happened. Them "pitchers" lied, right? IF they were so intent on carrying out some worldwide conquest, do you REALLY think
they didn't have the numbers to do it? And yet, we forget that WE got the likes of Einstein instead of Herr Hitler. Had we not had this bit of fortune, Ve vould be shpeekin' das Deutch!
VERDAMMT!! Mein Gott!!!

You see, pictures, documentation and even eyewitness accounts are nothing. They require BELIEF. We CHOOSE to believe the things we want to, and reject those that WE see as fake. Even credibility is for sale to the highest bidder and we "buy" truth the same way we buy a hat. "Truth" may be as true as can possibly be, but if it is still worthless to those who want to make "truth" fit their own mold. We BELIEVE in a God.
Or we REJECT Him. We BELIEVE that the world is round and most of us accept that Christopher Columbus came to America.
Did we SEE Columbus come to America? How do we know he did? OH! Someone probably TOLD us he did! Maybe a teacher. Or a BOOK!! Someone TOLD you that "certain" people were inferior, or you READ a book. AND, therefore, you CHOSE to believe what was in that book, or accept the words of another person. But you STILL don't KNOW that Columbus ever came to the New World and you STILL don't know that that person who may, or may not, LOOK just like you is "inferior" OR means you any harm whatsoever!

Conspiracy-mongers usually talk about a "Communist" threat. Here's one clue (that the wild-eyed ones wont accept). The cradle of Communism collapsed (USSR) under the sheer weight of freedom. People will not long endure the shackles of totalitarianism. Freedom still rings in this land, there were fearful emotionalists in the 30's, 40's, 50's and now. Communism is a just ONE example of "socialism" that does not work. So long as people are not willing to give up their freedoms for security, there is hope. So long as people will FIGHT to preserve freedom, it will survive. And survive without
wild-eyed conspiracy theories.! :D
C W Morse said:
I am...large framed...I don't back down from threats...

The most aggressive dogs I have seen are these little weeny chiowawas, chicano dogs, whatever they are, they are
and yet they fear nothing...all bark and no real bite though.

When I would walk my rottie around town, these little things would come running out from the cracks in their fences, yapping away and nipping at Bear's paws. I had to struggle to hold his 20 pound head and jaws back from crushing those little pip squeek's bodies into hamburger. Bear was all bite and little bark. Bear did not have to make up for any inadequacies with a show and dance act. He did not have to threaten or warn as his presence was warning enough. At most, he would just say, Hey, or Yo, whats up? That was enough.

My neighbor had some other kind of big fat dawg, I don't know what it was, some kind of mutt, but it was a funny dog. Acted all big and threatening with his barks and banging on the gate...Until one day I sprung that gate open and said YO!. Damed if the weeny didn't come out of him and he about crapped on his tail...hung his head down and kind of tip-toed off back to his portch. Ha ha. Good times.
"I'm part of a group?"

I was referring to the group here In this thread that are pushing the conspiracy theories which appears that you are included.

"When lies are mixed with truth, many will look at the whole thing as lies."

You are assuming by rejecting any conflict of facts that what you
are presenting is truly "truth"

"Where did I say this^? "

My error in communicating here. I was mixing the thought as a whole of the posts given toward me by all involved and including you implying that if I believe something is coming I should be resisting.

"????????????? Where is it that I do all this?"

Again, my error as my mindset was as I stated above. "you" was a poor choice.

"Anyway, the first part of cure, is diagnosis. No treatment is possible until the patient(citizens), is aware of the disease(incremental loss of freedom). Are you saying creating awareness makes not one iota of difference?"

Providing the disease actually exists as you present it. Could end up a misdiagnosis and you end up messing around with the patients emotions and walk of life because you made them believe they had a disease as prescribed but in reality in the end either realized it wasn't as stated or the whole time it was something else.

I have observed very much that you (plural) present what you have been told are "facts" by certain groups of likemindedness.Like I said anything posted in these areas can be copied and pasted almost verbatum from any of these websites. But there lies the problem You (plural) mimic your "leaders" by repeating what they say assuming you have iron clad evidence because the "leader" said it was so. But when presented with conflicting contradictions and facts that blow holes in the "truth " that you (plural) repeat like a puppet you fall apart because in your (plural) thinking you can't be wrong no matter what the evidence to the contrary shows.So almost everytime conflicting facts against your (plural) statements of "fact" and "documentation" are given the course that seems to follow is either to ignore and go right over top of the contradictions or resort to demeaning the person or verbally attacking them with sarcasim or brute meanness in order to gain control and divert from the conflicts.

Yep, I almost got bit last summer while on a walk! I took a leisurely evening stroll in my neighborhood. I stopped to chat with a neighbor when suddenly he yelled, "LOOK OUT!" I whirled around to find a large Bulldog coming at me with his owner hot on his heels. He grabbed the dog just before he got to me saving me from an attack. I knew the dog lived across the street from where I was standing, but he didn't usually get out. But this time, he nosed up the latch on the chain link fence and raced towards me. Close call. There's a lot of stuff on the news about pit bulls attacking people--especially children. One 8 year old in Charlotte, NC I read was attacked and killed by a pit bull owned by the family. However, there was another case where a man was walking with his wife and a pit bull came out (not on leash or in fence) and threatened him. When he came at the wife, the guy pulled out a 38 revolver and popped the dog between the eyes. To me, the dog was paid for (self defense). But NO! The owner tried to sue in spite of the fact that the dog was in violation of the leash laws. Even tried to get the SPCA to side with him. Judge sided with the man that shot the dog! :D Crazy.

"Crystal Night"

I think you refer to Kristallnacht, Night of broken glass. See how I hate Jews here LOL.

The Jew hating stuff tends to be a red herring, BP has a few grains of truth. I really don't discriminate, power grabbers transend race, country of origin or sexual preference. Nor do I believe in a wide ranging, active conspiracy. But the facts remain, there are ALOT of people in power, trying to consolidate it, working together when it suits them, and take your freedoms. They undoubtably read Machiavelli, and do it by the (his) book. Ignore the truth at your own risk. But ask yourself this, cui bono, who benifits from draconian laws, and further terrorism? Then ask, why stop it? Why not keep the populace in a constant state of alarm?
You (plural) is a handy way to speak in generalities. Please direct comments at individuals, if you can, makes replying easier to be specific. I (singular) have my own ideas and thoughts( not from my so-called "leaders", whoever they might be), and will share and defend them.
So long as people are not willing to give up their freedoms for security, there is hope. So long as people will FIGHT to preserve freedom, it will survive.

"Wild eyed" optimism. People give up freedom for security on a daily basis. Look at the NYC subway, get on an airline, go to most courthouses, hell, just go to a school. A kid in my kids school system turned in a bullet he found on his bus. SUSPENDED!!!!!! Boy, that's freedom, LOL
I already explained who I meant by "you" plural

"I was referring to the group here In this thread that are pushing the conspiracy theories which appears that you are included" Bubblepuppy, Lonewolf and "You" singular :D

"So you see NO erosion of freedom?"

I said "as you present it" Or should I say in the manner in which you feel it is coming about. I see that most that follow the line of thinking that freedoms are being taken soley away by the Gov. are ignoring a huge factor in this whole scenario- The citizens involvement or "grass roots" involvement by special interests that have been given an extreme amount of voice. Some of the tactics used can be found in the story of Frankenstien. The author had stated that story was purposely written to warn Science to beware of playing "God" for what they do may come back to destroy them.

Frankenstien was presented as an evil viscious monster. When people read the story or watched the origanal movie at the time it brought fear. Then it presented the monster as something to be pitied. Then years later a comedy was made of the monster and people no longer saw the evil. That is the tactic that many special ineterst groups use today. They take certain issues that are thought of as wrong and slowly change its' appearance as something to be pitied or favored.They, in public thought, turn something evil into good. To where they convince others to change their opinions to where something that was once evil now appears not so bad.With the case of the gun control they have done the opposite. They have taken something that can be used for evil and good and made it into a great evil that we don't need and have convinced others of the same . Now you have people in Gov. that have heard the same arguments and many have been swayed or fear their job loss and are able to be used by the special interest groups. That is something as old as mankind. Doesn't have anything to do with Gov. but the free choice of people to voice and share their opinions no matter how wrong that opinion may be morally or legally. So do I see freedoms being threatened ? yes, some, but not completely in the manner you seem to.

As to what is meant by "leader" I think you know already but to appease your comment- those through which you are getting your theories from. You yourself in another post encouraged people to listen to Alex Jones as he gets his news from the mainstream press. Alex Jones- a leader or teacher of consiracy theories. I responded that that was interesting that he got his news from the ones he states are GOV. controlled and liars. You asked when he ever said the were liars. I responded with proof from his own website. So I would conclude by your statement to listen to Alex Jones that he would be one you seem to get your info from a leader in the movement.
Wow, thats taking the long way aroud the barn. See the Frankenstien with Robert DeNiro. It's true to the book by Shelly.

Or should I say in the manner in which you feel it is coming about.

Not how I feel, it's how I observe it. Factual reality. Roadblocks, where they might as well say "papers, please". The right to keep what you earn, not have it grabbed by someone who gives it to someone else, the right to NOT be a suspected terrorist, the right to not have my children indoctrinated in federally controlled schools. All gone. Look at The Bill of rights. Find ONE, besides the Third, that is intact. Try REAL hard.
So I would conclude by your statement to listen to Alex Jones that he would be one you seem to get your info from a leader in the movement.

Alex Jones is a guy who has a radio and public access TV show and makes films. Hardly a leader. Just a guy throwing out facts he finds and puts them in the context of a trend of expanding power and consolidation of power. I also read Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder, Walter Williams and others. Are they my "leaders' too?
lead·er Audio pronunciation of "leader" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ldr)

1. One that leads or guides.

Alex Jones-
"would be one you seem to get your info from a leader( see above " in the movement."

"Wow, thats taking the long way aroud the barn"

I feel I have to with you .

"You (plural) is a handy way to speak in generalities. Please direct comments at individuals, if you can, makes replying easier to be specific. I (singular) have my own ideas and thoughts( not from my so-called "leaders", whoever they might be), and will share and defend them."

You are very nit picky when you avoid the main content of the post.

"I see that most that follow the line of thinking that freedoms are being taken soley away by the Gov."

I never said our freedoms aren't being threatened. Most posts here only have pointed the finger at the Gov. I included what I feel is a major player in the freedom problem, the citizen. I believe there is a grass roots affect that in some ways leads our Gov. In that stage I feel we CAN be affective, but I do not share the tactics that have been shared in this thread.

"the right to not have my children indoctrinated in federally controlled schools. All gone."

Not true. I have had 5 children in private Christian schools. One was homeschooled. I have one in now.
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