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Stryker 440...


Active Member
Dec 23, 2005
After you do the channel expansion on a brand new radio. Does the radio have to be realigned for TX and recieve??

One would think the makers of these radios would be smart enough to align them to 11M, then just move the jumper back and sell them out of tune for 10M.....especially sense virtually no one bothers with the alignment (including most CB shops).

I highly doubt there's many hams traveling truck stop to truck stop looking for a 10M stryker.
DCowboys said:
After you do the channel expansion on a brand new radio. Does the radio have to be realigned for TX and recieve??

No..........unless you want to waste money.
Yes they do Psycho. If you don't your receive will be very poor. Most.....wait i mean just about all CB tech's out there only do a half azzed alignment on exports, they do the power tricks but nothing else. That's why a lot of people say that their Cobra or Uniden has a better receive than that expensive export they just blew a paycheck on. If you don't have a export aligned by someone who knows what they are doing then you are really missing out on a lot of performance.
995 said:
One would think the makers of these radios would be smart enough to align them to 11M, then just move the jumper back and sell them out of tune for 10M.....especially sense virtually no one bothers with the alignment (including most CB shops).

I highly doubt there's many hams traveling truck stop to truck stop looking for a 10M stryker.

Believe it or not that same issue was addressed before.
Then they took the Stryker section down.
psycho said:
DCowboys said:
After you do the channel expansion on a brand new radio. Does the radio have to be realigned for TX and recieve??

No..........unless you want to waste money.

Sorry, Psycho, that is NOT correct. You DO have to relaign the receive for best 11M performance. You can let it go like it is, but it will not have max performance. the transmit side, from my experience, is pretty good without touching the tuning sections. You just need to set your carrier to the desired max level and touch up the AMC setting.
Is this true with the 440 only or all / most exports. I converted my Cobra 150 and it works great on 11m but there was a catch, it's off frequincy on the other three bands. I don't use it there anyway.
You got me wondering so I got my RF freq counter out and my Cobra 150gtl is dead on freq. on bands B and C but is off on bands A and D. I talk to my wife just about every day on ch. 40 when I go to work and if there is not any skip we can talk 20 miles. We both hear each other great, geuss I got lucky.
I have one for you guys. It seems I can hear forever on my new stryker.The problem is my buddys could not hear me 200 feet away.They said it sounded like it had the hickups.I checked the swrs just 3days before. When i had my other radio in. At 1.2-1.3.The antenna worning light does come on.So im going so set them again.Why do I hear so good and not get out.Is it all just a swr problem.
200 feet away? My guess would be one of to things.

#1. when the tech peaked and tuned it he clipped the limiter causing the radio to over modulate very badly.

#2. You running to low of a dead key and that's causing it to over modulate.

Turn you dead key up to 10 watts not 1 or 2 and see if that helps. If not the take it to a CB tech and have them put the limiter back in. The extra 10 to 15 watts you see after being clipped is not worth the very poor sound you end up with. I have had 4 of them and i always set them a 10 watts key swinging to 50 or 55 watts and i never had a complaint about the sound quality.

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