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Active Member
Aug 14, 2014
I've been talking skip on 38 lsb, great stuff . I also enjoy sandbagging on ssb . There are certain stations that use the "world radio" before there call singn. I was montering 39 lsb and heard a number of world radio station's doing a station singn in.whats this "world radio" all about?

The 'World Radio' is a CB radio club. The 'World Radio' identifier is registered to a number that is registered to just one person; each number is unique to just one person.

To become a member, one would have to ask a World Radio club administrator on the air >only way< in order to become a member/number. No membership dues are required.

There are many different international/DX CB radio clubs that have different identifiers, such as Sugar Delta, Alfa Tango, India Romeo, and so on. They all have uninque, registered identities for each number within that group.

If you want to join a club, this forum has a radio club 'Whiskey Delta X-ray ('WDX'), and all you have to do is send a private message to the administrator and ask to get a unique number. No cost/charge.

World Radio 11/Robb
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It's a conspiracy!

Seriously, they are just a group of operators not unlike those of us here. They do their call in on 39LSB. I'm not a member of their group, but I have chatted with a few of their operators on occasion.
Back in the old days of CB this was called a "CB handle" and everybody knew what it was all about. You got it sorta' like you got your first name.
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The one world radio club is having a CHRISTMAS dx party I believe on the 18th a contest I believe.
I just heard what appears to be an automatic keyup of a recorded message letting everyone know that the world radio xmas contest starts today.
The World Radio Club is simply one of a myriad of CB DX clubs, as has been said.
Like this one, it strives to maintain and grow interest in all types of radio communications, with members among Amateurs and CB operators.
It distinguishes itself by requiring those who wish to join make two (2) contacts with either a club Administrator or Moderator before a World Radio DX number is issued. It is, after all, a radio club. Additionally, the club attempts to vet those who wish to join by attempting to determine whether the candidate is a decent operator who respects the hobby and other operators on the forum and on the air. The club acts quickly to confirm complaints of on the air misbehavior on the part of any member and revoke the WR membership when and if it is confirmed.

The reason WR calls are heard so frequently is because it is an active and growing club. Many other clubs I am a member of I very rarely, or never hear their calls. Unlike the World Radio group, pride of membership and encouragement to use the call seems to be non-existent among the others.

Listen for me on the air.

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That purity much explains it. Good answer to my questions.Thanks Homer. I will listen for you and if I happen to hear your call singhs I will give you a shout. Thanks again.
The World Radio Club is simply one of a myriad of CB DX clubs, as has been said.
Like this one, it strives to maintain and grow interest in all types of radio communications, with members among Amateurs and CB operators.
It distinguishes itself by requiring those who wish to join to make two (2) contacts with either a club Administrator or Moderator before a World Radoi DX number is issued. It is, after all, a radio club. Additionally, the club attempts to vet those who wish to join by attempting to determine whether the candidate is a decent operator who respects the hobby and other operators on the forum and on the air. The club acts quickly to confirm complaints of on the air misbehavior on the part of any member and revoke the WR membership when and if it is confirmed.

I have membership in numerous radio clubs, but for all except The World Radio Club i only had to ask for entry to the club online.
Listen for me on the air.

The 'World Radio' is a CB radio club. The 'World Radio' identifier is registered to a number that is registered to just one person; each number is unique to just one person.

To become a member, one would have to ask a World Radio club administrator on the air >only way< in order to become a member/number. No membership dues are required.

There are many different international/DX CB radio clubs that have different identifiers, such as Sugar Delta, Alfa Tango, India Romeo, and so on. They all have uninque, registered identities for each number within that group.

If you want to join a club, this forum has a radio club 'Whiskey Delta X-ray ('WDX'), and all you have to do is send a private message to the administrator and ask to get a unique number. No cost/charge.

World Radio 11/Robb

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