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A video tour around my old time shop and ham shack

Radio Tech

Radio Operator
Sep 9, 2008
North Carolina
In this video we have a quick look around my shop and ham shack. Most of my equipment is old and bough in non-working state. I like buying stuff and repairing it to use for myself. Don’t expect to see a lot of flashy new gear here. Hope you enjoy this cluttered mess I call my playground. I spend many hours in the shop and enjoy working on gear of all types. The old computers in the one room are using for programming Eproms like the 27C128 and 27C64 chips. These were used in some older radios.


Cool stuff for sure. Wish I had just a couple of pieces of the equipment you have LOL!! Keep up the good work and have fun!!!
Really nice shack and test bench. Thanks again for posting.

We have very similar tastes in equipment, although I didn't see any amplifiers; not that you need them per say :cool: Also you must live in a non-earthquake prone area like myself. If we had one here, I'd better run to the center of the room :ROFLMAO:
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Really nice shack and test bench. Thanks again for posting.

We have very similar tastes in equipment, although I didn't see any amplifiers; not that you need them per say :cool: Also you must live in a non-earthquake prone area like myself. If we had one here, I'd better run to the center of the room :ROFLMAO:

Thanks for watching,
I do not do any contest do am amplifier is seldom needed. I sold mine about 5 years ago. I always have one in the shop for repair so if I needed one would not be to much of a problem :)

As far as earthquakes, I live on the east coast of NC. we had a 5.9 magnitude earthquake on August 24 2011. Lasted on a few seconds. That was the first one I ever really felt.

Would like to see pics(or videos) of yours and others equipment
Thanks for the video. I once helped a retired radio/TV repairman move to a smaller house, in exchange for helping him move he gave me TRUCK LOADS of old test equipment, radios, parts, publications ect. Much of it I sold at a swap meet, and some of it I still have, but because I did not have room to store it all, sadly some of it had to be thrown out. ( it makes me cringe to admit that ) Believe it or not I could not give some of the stuff away. I tried. Looking back I wish I would have found a way to save it. Seeing what you do with this old stuff is great. I should really focus on learning how to use the stuff I have. Keep up the good work.


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