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Charger 383 Dean

I've been wondering about Dean for a few months now. Well I don't have to wonder anymore since I know he beat us to the place we all hope to be some day. I think he did a lot for the hobby as far as bringing us together via the "Castle" and this forum, starting the CDX club AKA Chargers DX club,warning us about EEI etc etc. I know he has been in bad health for a while, to the point of maybe acting out of confusion,desperation and survival and he made some bad deals with some members here. Even so, I still believe it had to be a deep blow to his heart to have to leave this fine group of folks and the forum he created. I still remember his voice through the HR-2510 like it was yesterday. RIP Dean
CDX8412 said:
He is responsible for bringing together many nice people, when he started the WWRF.

Dean & I have had several good talks on the 2-way in the past years and I am sorry to see him leave us.

Take care friend - RIP DEAN.
I used to talk to Dean everyday via chat or voice chat on the internet back when he was still around the forum. When conditions were right, I always enjoyed talking to him on the radio, as well. He was one of the people that really got me serious about the radio hobby when I started out. When he had to sell all his equipment to get by, I sent him a radio to keep him on the air. Unfortunately, I never did get to speak to him again. He did bring a lot of good people together and really helped promote the hobby, even if for a short time. Rest in Peace, Dean.
Sounds like this guy was pretty human to say the least. If he started this site whenever he did ? CHEERS to that ! but from what IM understanding over the years , things have changed around here ? Maybe now this Mr Aurthor can be taken off the Forums Blacklist beings that he's no longer with us ? IM really not much up on death as it is , but I see many folks in this life killing themselves day in and day out with there charector defects of life , weather it be drugs or alcohol or just being of an older age and just not caring about life very much. I have a loved one that is pretty much doing that now and it is truly hard on my heart and soul and there truly not a damned thing I can do about it , and that is very frustrating to me. I can only love them and do the best I can with them day in and day out. Life is short , and at 47 I feel very grateful to be here and to only know that my health is my wealth but even then ,there are no garentees. Yesterdays are gone and tomorrows are a mystery , today is the present as in a gift that I get to be here one more day. REST IN PEACE MR CHARGER , you sound like you must have been a truly remembered charector in this life.
This is sad news. I enjoyed some good contacts on the two way with Dean during the last skip cycle and will surely miss the opportunity to do so during the next cycle. Everyone who is or was a member of this forum owes Dean a debt of gratitude for helping to gather us all together to enjoy the hobby and the possibilities this hobby can offer.

Godspeed Master Goob!

JD :beer

well i didnt know him but i thank him for creating this forum and allowing me to meet all the great people here rip man cdx199 in the buckeye waving a hand to you 73 and god bless
rest in peace old friend.i was around this forum when dean..aka charger 383 was running it .i been here that long...lol...

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