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End Fed Antenna


Jun 17, 2009
Southeast Ohio
I have never used one. I'm interested in something multiband that will handle 600 watts. I have 85 feet from house to Walnut tree. I can mount the Feed end up to 30' high.

I'd appreciate recommendations for such an antenna. Be nice if'n it'd do 80, but not necessary. 40 is my main operating band. I have closet full of tuners.

I started to research, but my head hurts from all the available options and stated performance claims. Hopefully, there's a good performer for my lot size.

Thanks for any advice/recommendations.

I would avoid that. Very problematic antenna.
For 40m I suggest to hang plain dipole and use tuner on 80m but do not expect miracles, height is very low.
Better option for 40 would be vertical GP standing on the ground with buried radials. Better DX antenna than low dipole.
I worked 302 DXCC from vertical on 40m.
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Can you get 135' on the lot with some creative zig zag ?
I've installed the 80/20% - 33/66% 80m OCFD with significant zig and zag that produced reasonable results.

Note: curiously I've never tried the OCFD @ 40m
Most of the GAP vertical antennas are multi banded & require ZERO ground radials. They are some of the best vertical antennas on the market.They are not Cheap but I believe you are paying for a product that will outlast you & it's a one time investment.

Plenty of advice already, but specifically to your question, I have a end fed wire ~134' long with a 49:1 transformer coax fed. The coax braid is ground rod connected. I can tune 160m - 10m and make contacts on 80m to 10m when the bands are open. I've also used the shortened version ~67' tuned for 40m with 110uH coil and ~6' wire after that for 80m.
I've used a similar length non resonant wire with 9:1 transformer and a single counterpoise wire ~65' with same results. In my experience both require a tuner.
If you do the end fed wire, with the room you describe if there is no way to bend it for more length just make sure you use a non resonant length for any band you wish to use and as many ground mounted radials as you can and a 9:1 transformer with your tuner. Put a Common Mode Current choke at the shack entrance to handle potential RF issues.
Most of the GAP vertical antennas are multi banded & require ZERO ground radials. They are some of the best vertical antennas on the market.They are not Cheap but I believe you are paying for a product that will outlast you & it's a one time investment.


Maybe this is more of a a personal affliction but,
There is no such thing as a "ZERO ground radial antenna".
Same for the monopole morons.

All antennas reference ground in some way, with or without "radials".

Then again I'm an opinionated dick
Can you get 135' on the lot with some creative zig zag ?
I've installed the 80/20% - 33/66% 80m OCFD with significant zig and zag that produced reasonable results.

Note: curiously I've never tried the OCFD @ 40m

I probably could weave it around. I had a 40 meter OCFD long time ago.
HomerBB, that antenna sounds appealing. I'm on a corner lot with neighbors house right up beside me. I have 3 wires up already. If it was for my gigantic Oak tree in the way, I could get more crest. I'm trying to get it thinned out this summer to free up space.

I'm thinking of trying out the Ultimax that Tallman mentioned. It'd get me up and running and buy time until I can weave something longer in my confines. My old neighbor was cool and let me do what I wanted on his lot. The current owner is grumpy old woman that rarely talks to me unless she needs something.
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I run a simple 9:1 unun off eBay with a 17' counterpoise wire and about 50' of 12THHN wire with little issues.

There is a miriad of pages on the web with suggested lengths. The one I got recommended 25' of coax to feed it (for counterpoise over the coax shield).

I ran 44' of the same wire, 17' of counterpoise and a 1:1 choke at the entrance to my last shack. Worked well.

If I recall the magic lengths were 39,44,59,63, etc. or something. I've since lost the chart.

For the higher power most combine 2 ferrite inside the box. Mine has a single. But I'm not going above 100-120w.
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Well, just noticed my current balun is only rated for 200 watts CW. Guess I got fooled, when I read it handled 1500 watts SSB. The 200 watts is in small print. This will not do.

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