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I dont understand

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I’ll agree but I have to say, looking at the screen on the 756 Pro 3 is far better than the one on my 2995DX, 98VHP, 2950DX or even my FT-897.

Wait I just included a ham rig with my exports. I’m such a goober...
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I've got an idea, how about all the people that don't like CB/export radios stop posting in the CB/export area?

Notice how the hams are always down here slumming it, and just can't help themselves but to post their opinions on everything.

Guys, if CB radios are junk, and CB radio behavior is beneath you; there's the door!
use it.
If you actually enjoy hanging out in this area of the forum, then it's time to integrate with the existing society instead of trying to change it to suit your culture! (don't make me build a wall! LOL)
learn the language at least!

honestly do any of you really think that there is a CBer alive who doesn't already know that amateur radio equipment is designed and built to a higher standard of quality than CB radios???

Why do people insist on buying these junk boxes and paying way too much for them?
why don't you go ask your wives what they think of the amount of money you spend on ham equipment?
I have heard a few of them use the word junk before LOL.

CB radios are cool! they look cool, they have a hell of a lot of style, and they are fun to operate. they are also fun to open up and play with.
If i get a crazy idea of a mod i want to try, i can pick up an old junker and hack at it to my hearts content, and only be out two digits worth of money.
I don't do it because im trying to turn my CB into a ham radio, i do it because IT'S FUN!!!

now, if a new member posts here asking why they can't talk across the country whenever they want, even though they have a brand new 98VHP, THEN is the time to chime in with the benefits of the ham hobby.

otherwise, ask yourself why you are even here reading this post.

Everyone on this forum knows that the CB/Export section is the heartbeat of the forum and the place where all the fun/drama happens.
If you are constantly down here reading and posting, guess what! you're a CBer!

Some of you really need to admit to yourselves how bored you are with ham radio.

Oh, and CK, again i will ask you to please stop trying to parent everyone as if you being fed up with a subject is what makes a thread lock-worthy.
you obviously don't like CB radio much, and while you seem like a good dude, you don't seem to have much fun down here.

if anyone else had de-railed this thread the way you did, you would have torn them a new one.


First off most guys here either currently or at one time have enjoyed BOTH radio services so therefore most hams have every right to be in either section of the forum.

Secondly I am one of those I just mentioned above. I was on 11m for almost 20 years, not so much on the regular channels as at the time there were just too many kids and idiots on there around here. Yes I gave 11m up a long time ago but that does not mean I despise it or the operators.......just the damned idiots that are on the air but that also includes those on the ham bands too. In fact I still have an RCI 2950DX which has been modded for 11m as well and although untouched for several years it IS going into the truck this summer for a road trip to Newfoundland.......along with my Icom 2m radio. Yes THAT is how much I despise 11m. LOL

I only shut down threads when the subject has veered SOOO far from the topic that the content is COMPLETELY irrelevant or when things get out of hand with bickering and crap. Whether or not I like a subject has no bearing. There are a shitload of topics here I have no interest in but simply skim over to make sure things are still civil.

As for derailing the thread.....well it was Oldtech3 that asked for an autographed version of the Bible and I simply responded to it, maybe in a manner that some people did not like but that's life, so I guess HE derailed the thread. Please note that I have not shut it down yet so I must have some tolerance.
They’re not really any good for RF though, the Pixies are but not the leprechauns. I think it’s their shoe buckles that cause the interference.

As long as this thread has expanded its scope to include references to music (Rush), I'd like to point out that the Pixies were a great band. There song "Nothing Against You" seems appropriate to guide us through the CBer vs. ham operator schism.
It's not so much a ham versus CB thing, everyone has different reasons to be in this hobby and we all enjoy different things. It's just that constantly being told "you do not prefer the same equipment that I do therefore you are wrong" gets old after a while.
As long as this thread has expanded its scope to include references to music (Rush), I'd like to point out that the Pixies were a great band. There song "Nothing Against You" seems appropriate to guide us through the CBer vs. ham operator schism.

I’m not familiar with that band but I am with TinkerBell and something called Pop Pixies or something like that.
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Both sides of this discussion can't let it go. If someone says they don't like exports someone always has to let them know that theirs works just fine. Works fine usually means that it sounds good.

The same thing happens when you talk about amplifiers. Some qrp guy has to let everyone know they are wasting money and 100 watts is all they should have because that's all he has.

You better not say something negative about any kind of antenna either. Someone has one that works great and will make sure you know about it. A friend made a comment about an endfed recently and some guy we didn't even know was there started trying to set him straight. Luckily he was using an end fed and couldn't disrupt our qso.:D

Some people get defensive when you tell the truth about something they spent money on.
The endfed vs other antennas is not unlike the export vs ham radio debate this thread began about. And not unlike Chevy vs Ford. Or Dylan vs Sinatra.
We're all different and it's all about a matter of taste. My friend Bobby enjoys exports and is not interested in ham stuff. I drive a Chevy and enjoy Dylan.
It's all good. :)
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I do believe you have "endfed" earmarked so you are alerted every time the word is used anywhere in these forums so you can slam them

Riv: No not really...just seen that and knew you would chime in:whistle::)...
Run what you got buddy. Though I wish you would get rid of that "Punny" balun!
I have used them(40m/20m verticals)Homebrew direct feed...
However the HYPE some Seller's give them is what stuns me more than anything.
My biggest "thingy" is the bad information given by them(seller's) on how efficient they are "Without" a suitable ground and counterpoise system...
I have said before, yes they work!
BUT so does a couple coat-hangers under the right conditions.
I run basically endfed/center loaded vertical on my truck(screwdriver antenna) even with my Cheevy Silverado for counterpoise(23 ft long/6ft wide). On 75m it's at best 10-15% efficient...maybe that's generous. But have worked all over US and Canada with it.
Conditions … Conditions.
One of my favorite sayings: "Everyone is LOUD Somewhere" … just may not be where your trying to work! :)
All the Best
Riv: No not really...just seen that and knew you would chime in:whistle::)...

Doggone! ! You got me. Hook, line and sinker. :ROFLMAO:

Love your saying, "Everyone is LOUD Somewhere" That's me! (y)

I'm getting rid of my power-limiting balun soon as I can get my cobweb up.
Between sickness, an injured leg and the dadgum weather, it's still in the box.
But one of these days . . . :p

All the best back at you. :)

That happened to me when I was in high school. A buddy hooked me and I had to go to the clinic in our small town and have the doctor cut it out. Was in the back of my head. Receptionist asked what was wrong with me and I just turned around. I'll never forget her "Oh, My!"
It was a Mepps spinner, for you fishermen.
That happened to me when I was in high school. A buddy hooked me and I had to go to the clinic in our small town and have the doctor cut it out. Was in the back of my head. Receptionist asked what was wrong with me and I just turned around. I'll never forget her "Oh, My!"
It was a Mepps spinner, for you fishermen.
At least it was not the Long Rappala with three treble hooks. The Mepps Black Fury was my favorite go to when fishing was slow.
Yep good old Mepp's … being a Pan-fisherman most of the time. I have good luck with the old Yellow or White Beetle spins, most certainly during spawning season for Crappie/ Blue Gill.
During the Hot Summer season smallmouth/largemouth Bass seem to respond to Buzz Baits or crank baits better. I use almost totally Ultra-Lite rods and spinning reels, a real thrill when 2-3 lb. Bass hits one of those.
I do have a couple of Med/HD rods and reels when I get the chance to go North to Mich/Minn/Wis and chase the Freshwater Barracuda's as I call Northern Pike's!
They will make your heart race when you tangle with one 30+ inches long and going 20-25 lbs.:p
All the Best
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