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Palamor HD 2x 1446

Radio has variable power. 0 to 18 bird. At 0 it’s like 12 and all the way 18 with no loss of pep from low or high.
So, if the amplifier is already being driven too hard on "medium", this means that the radio's modulation peaks are not really being amplified, but clipped off at the neck, so to speak.

When you see very little difference in the peak output changing from 'medium' to 'high', this means you're clipping off those peaks even more severely on high side than you were on medium side.

If the amplifier is not being pushed beyond its capability, you'll see more peak power when you change from 'low' to 'medium' to 'high'. Each step will show a significant increase if the amplifier is below its peak drive limit.

When the peak output power fails to increase, it means you're already overdriving it.

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Here it is. Well close

That is a comp style radio that has been poked and stroked and everything else under the sun. It serves a very small specific purpose or market. Talking skip or talking to the local guys every day is not one of them. I'm sure you feel very good about your radio but it's not at all what you want to run with a small 2 pill amplifier. Those radio's from them have been discussed here several times and I will leave it at that.

If you insist on running that radio with an amp you will need something like an X-Force, Davemade, Fatboy or other comp style amp in a 4 pill with 2879's. An amp like that will handle the output of your radio. I would not use the amp you are considering with that radio.
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Morning, before I buy will this amp work with a comp cobra 29? My radio has variable power and peak swing to about 40 watts. Thanks dk on radio is 0 to about 18 bird.
2-3 watt dead key swinging to 12 tops. You will likely find something like 2.5W or some other partial increment will work out best. So I would start with 3 watts and turn down until it is clean!
2-3 watt dead key swinging to 12 tops. You will likely find something like 2.5W or some other partial increment will work out best. So I would start with 3 watts and turn down until it is clean!
What happens if I left the variable on the radio off like 1/2 watt?

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