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Remembering the lives lost and Heros of 9-11-2001

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Brother DXer

226 ~ west Texas WDX-226
Aug 20, 2022

We must never forget.

I was out of work with a back injury from a car accident. CNN was showing a plane accident in the first tower. Seemed really odd. Then the second plane hit the second tower, and before they even said it, we knew it was no accident.

My son had just been born that April, and as I sat on the couch with him on my lap, I could not help but wonder what kind of world he would grow up in. Watching the events unfold that day, I was glad that he would be too young to remember watching it......
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It's unforgettable to any of us Americans that lived through that time. Even then it's nothing in comparison to those that were there that day, especially those who lost loved ones to such a heinous crime.

United we stand with those who mourn and remember the lives lost.
Yes indeed!
I'm 60 years old and nothing has ever affected me as profoundly as this. Our office came to a stand still, glued to the TV all day. I went home and hugged my family. We set in the living room and talked to our boys for several hours, trying to explain why. My oldest graduated that next year, then joined the military. He's still in and will be retiring in a few years.
I remember that day like it was yesterday,I was still working at Rite Aid at the time, was unloading our weekly delivery truck and listening to the Radio when the first report the first airplane hitting the World trade Center came over the air ,I was in Shock to say the least.....We can never Forget that day ever!!!!!!!

My heart truly break for all those devastated by the "events" of 9/11. I pray that this many years later people will still push for truth regarding these horrific crimes. I don't want to open up a BIG can of worms but I encourage those that just know deep down that the official story just doesn't add up to please do some research. Alot of this has been scrubbed off the internet for some time and the algorithms are fine tuned for censorship this many years later. If you can still find a copy or a download source watch the documentary Loose Change. Then do your own research and make your own informed decision on 9/11.... and that's all I have to say about that
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