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SHTF and Unconstitutional Red Flag Laws

One snapchot of a video deserves another. This shows the true intelligence of #45.
I just never know what's going through an uneducated response like that so If I'm missing something, by all means, educate me, understanding the liberal thought process is not as simple as they often sound

Obviously I dredged one up out of one of our lefties. Now, Digger, ya think ya kin dig anything of logical response? Possibly add to the original information posted about SHTF and Unconstitutional Red Flag Laws. I do wish to have someone with your perspective try to explain the need for another unconstitutional law. Especially one of such ambiguity that harms the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 10th amendments by removing due process and promotes socialism and martial law type atmosphere.

I encourage your reply in cordial discussion.
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Listen to him when he's negotiating with other world leaders or the UN prior to judging intelligence. Not the "opinion programs" that have replaced the news.
I don't doubt his intelligence, that why I know he is full of it. I'm seriously beginning to wonder if he isn't just a shill for the left and clowning conservative policy along with crashing the economy with the intent of opening the door for socialism. This is the greatest economy America has ever seen but we better lower interest rates, because.... well.... that's what you do when the economy is shit. Sounds legit (n) The fed had little chance of normalizing rates, then Trump squashes that slight chance ensuring massive QE as the only future option.
The flip side of that is they held interest rates at near zero for Obama for years. As soon as he was gone with his strangling regulations and the economy got rolling, the Fed's did one rate hike after another to slow this presidents progress before the elections. Nothing like slowing the pace of growth like raising the cost to borrow money, out of step with inflation.

The Fed is a crooked bunch that hasn't been held accountable by audit since the 1950's and probably hasn't been working for the people at least that long. What are they hiding other than the fact they can't give gold back to countries it belongs to like Germany because it's going to take them years to come up with what should already be there...
The flip side of that is they held interest rates at near zero for Obama for years. As soon as he was gone with his strangling regulations and the economy got rolling, the Fed's did one rate hike after another to slow this presidents progress before the elections. Nothing like slowing the pace of growth like raising the cost to borrow money, out of step with inflation.

The Fed is a crooked bunch that hasn't been held accountable by audit since the 1950's and probably hasn't been working for the people at least that long. What are they hiding other than the fact they can't give gold back to countries it belongs to like Germany because it's going to take them years to come up with what should already be there...
The fact that "Two wrongs make a right" exists on your moral compass means we disagree fundamentally, and there is no point in arguing. I agree the Fed is horrible and will be the death of the dollar, I'd just prefer not to expidite that demise.
On another topic, someone must be buying Bernie a 4th house to beat the race baiter drum again. This fossil still thinks he can label an opponent racist and have it take hold. What was the name of the last Democratic president to achieve this low minority unemployment rate and what year was that?

Here is a tip on history Bernie. You're party has played every angle of the racist card since they fought to keep slavery intact. You're standing on a banana peel and about to fall into your own BS. People are listening to the opportunity and independence their paychecks now provide and could care less about the racism you attempt to project on others.

It's funny to watch these Dem hopefuls all trip over themselves to obtain Al Sharpton's blessing. As though this man was today's Martin Luther King. Unfortunately there is little resemblance between the two. One earned enough respect from others that it was an honor to receive it in return from him. The other has been an attention seeking circus show since Tawana Brawley.
In Wake Of Synagogue Shooting, Pittsburgh Decides To Make Easy Targets Of Law-Abiding Citizens By Illegally Banning Their Guns

Pittsburgh City Council took a final vote Monday morning, passing a package of controversial gun laws introduced after last year’s mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

Council members voted 6-3 to pass the bills. They now head to Democratic Mayor Bill Peduto for his expected signature.

The legislation will place restrictions on military-style assault weapons like the AR-15 rifle that authorities say was used in the Oct. 27 rampage at Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill, which killed 11 people and wounded seven.

It also bans most uses of armor-piercing ammunition and high-capacity magazines, and allows the temporary seizure of guns from people who are determined to be a danger to themselves or others.

The public was asked to comment before the vote.

One woman said “It’s not the weapon that’s the problem. It’s the intent of the person handling the weapon that’s the problem.”

The measures also ban ammunition and accessories, such as large capacity magazines, and allow courts to temporarily remove guns from a person deemed to be a public threat. A companion bill passed by the council directs additional funding to city anti-violence programs.

City residents who own guns and accessories outlined in the bills would be grandfathered. Violators of the laws could be fined $1,000, or face up to 90 days in prison, for each offense.

Pittsburgh has a home rule charter, which affords the city some independence from the state legislature. But Pennsylvania’s law on the charter says a municipality “shall not enact any ordinance or take any other action dealing with the regulation of the transfer, ownership, transportation or possession of firearms.” The state’s firearms code has an amendment that expressly prohibits municipalities from regulating the “lawful ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms, ammunition or ammunition components.” That inherent tension has set in motion a legal battle over gun rights in Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania more broadly.
Pennsylvania’s legislature is the only entity that can change the state law to grant cities and municipalities the right to regulate firearms on their own, according to David Harris, a professor at the University of Pittsburgh’s law school. Right now, Pittsburgh and the courts can battle it out over the specificity of wording in the bills and the state legislation, Harris tells TIME. Because the provision from the city bans the use of certain weapons, one could argue that the state law does not technically stipulate anything about firearms usage. “In order to have this stand up, courts will have to find that the idea of using these items that are now part of the city’s law is different than all the other ways the state prohibited cities from regulating firearms,” Harris says.


This stuff needs to head to the SCOTUS. We can't be dicking around with this any more because all of these laws are straight up unconstitutional. Any law that limits weapons, of any sort, is a breach of the 2nd amendment....period. If they want to limit what we as citizens can own, then change the constitution to say so. Until that day, ANY law limiting our right to keep and bear arms of any type, is unconstitutional...period.
Politicians are fickle, Texas repub house took constitutional carry off the floor because McNutt from Tx Gun Rights was making house calls to push for constitutional carry in Texas. The proposition had stalled and McNutt figured if politicians could go to your house and ask for votes based on promises for constitutional carry, the public had the right to go to their house and request they follow through.

Don't think any of those politicians had any thought to actually follow through. Silly law down here......you have to have a concealed carry permit to open carry. Other states are open carry, some states are going to constitutional carry with concealed. Go figure.
Politicians are fickle, Texas repub house took constitutional carry off the floor because McNutt from Tx Gun Rights was making house calls to push for constitutional carry in Texas. The proposition had stalled and McNutt figured if politicians could go to your house and ask for votes based on promises for constitutional carry, the public had the right to go to their house and request they follow through.

Don't think any of those politicians had any thought to actually follow through. Silly law down here......you have to have a concealed carry permit to open carry. Other states are open carry, some states are going to constitutional carry with concealed. Go figure.
The last time I was in Texas I was happy to open carry and it was more comfortable in the Texas heat of the day. The only thing I do not like about open carry is you give up your element of surprise.
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The last time I was in Texas I was happy to open carry and it was more comfortable in the Texas heat of the day. The only thing I do not like about open carry is you give up your element of surprise.

Dumb thing is TX requires concealed carry permit to open carry. Open has an obvious deterrent factor, allowing one to visually not be a target. The CC is unconstitutional. TX has now backed up 10 years. TX would not allow open carry since the Civil War in order to keep Confederate sympathizers or ex-confederates from having weapons.

You should not need a permit to carry concealed or open. The 2nd Amendment is there for that. What is going on with mass hysteria and the mass shootings is pure BS. I call BS. And those TX house R Reps'.........Well, that's BS too!

Granted, it may not have been appropriate for Mr. McNutt to go to their homes unannounced, but he did announce it through social media and had garnered support, McNutt obviously posed no mass hysteria effect, definitely was not armed, and if you know anything about Lake Jackson or Brazoria County, you know that's one of the toughest counties in the state of Texas. DPS knew he was coming, Brazoria County Sherriff knew he was coming, Lake Jackson knew he was coming....if he had posed serious, let me rephrase that, if he had posed ANY threat, Brazoria Co. Sherriff's would have spot checked him with a face plant on asphalt.

Those (R) Representatives had stalled and had no intension of pushing a Constitutional Carry Bill because they always cave to the libtards pressures and feel they will jeopardize their re-election. Bastards, need to grow some stones.

They continually cave for these reasons. The unconstitutional red flag laws are deterring actual progress. Deterring ones right to protect friends, family, and anyone for that matter.
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