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Whatever Happened to Wholesale CB Radio?

because nobody complains about the big dists...

or if they do, it goes something like:

Hey Riley, this A-wipe on 11-meter is using an illegal ham rig...

And your lucky if they would even read that much.
I'm a Ham operator-- and i don't see why these guys complain about cb like they do--- half of the village idoits that do the complaining that I've talked to know nothing
One guy was using a balcony antenna and legal cb and it was during peak skip cycle-- he thought the only reason he couldn't get out was because all the skip was people using illegal amplifiers
He will still say that-- "i got my ham ticket because I could'nt talk on cb with everyone using illegal power"-- the idiot was using a balcony antenna-- and i don't care where you are there is going to be a channel on the band that no one is using for him to talk legally on and not get stepped on
The guy never blames the crappy antenna-- no.... its got to be illegal amplifiers
I talked to another legal guy that was into cb-- he didn't know anything really either-- kept trying to argue with me that beam antennas were illlegal for cb because they put out more "power" in one dirrection

All these guys that police the cb band, forums and even ebay are all the same-- they had to get their ham ticket becuase of all the export radios and illegal amplifiers being used made them not able to even talk on the band

Balcony antenna..... he might as well be saying "I could'nt get out on my walkie talkie on the cb band because of everyone using illegal amps"
I'm a ham and I can't understand these idiots-- there are more trouble makers on the ham bands that they can't control
They say they do it because guys are breaking the law.....I always say "harrassment is against the law too, I don't see these certain hams following that one"
Yea, they sure are doing alot to make the world a better place... I wish they spent the same amount of time trying to catch rapists, or anything worth while
Ham Police

I think some people just want to make life miserable for someone else. Most hams I know, including myself just love to talk on our radios. Sure I run 11 meters, And sometimes pump it up, but I know when and where. I don't go crazy and over modulate and run 4000 watts pep. Just on ch 6 and in the country somewhere. Mostly I do it barefoot. You don't need power all the time. I try to be responsible and not interfere with my neighbors TV and electronics. But I also don't waste time trying to root out 11 meter CB linear users or manufacturers. I'd much rather have fun with my equipment and spend time using what I have. It's funny how people act when given a little power or a title or a Callsign in this instance.
yea man

if the ham police would get a life
i do not get why some hams have nothing better to do
than wach ebay for stuff to report to ebay
as not legal/ they must live a very boring life.
must be they never leave their shack.
you notice i said some hams ant not all.
because there is alot of good ham radio operators
out there.jon :twisted:
Sonwatcher said:
I would think a Ham complained to the FCC. I am curious as why the FCC holds back from the well known distributors. Are they relunctant because they may have more money to fight it and the FCC doesn't ?

Probably so. FCC went after one of the better knwon dealers a few years back and LOST. I cannot remember who it was or what the actual rules violations but FCC got clobbered.

bandaid kid said:
Sonwatcher said:
I would think a Ham complained to the FCC. I am curious as why the FCC holds back from the well known distributors. Are they relunctant because they may have more money to fight it and the FCC doesn't ?

Probably so. FCC went after one of the better knwon dealers a few years back and LOST. I cannot remember who it was or what the actual rules violations but FCC got clobbered.


I'll bet it was Copper/H+Y

So you admit that the big "crackdown" you've been cheerleading for the last 4 years is and has been ineffective, and that exports are as plentiful and available as ever, and there is NOTHING you , Hollingsworth, or the FCC will EVER be able to do about it?

Good, it's about time you stopped riding that tiger, and found something useful to do with your spare time.
I think what bandaid kid is talking about is the action that the FCC took against Ranger.
The charges against Ranger Taiwan were dismissed with prejudice and the court determined that the conduct of the Assistant United States Attoney assigned the case violated his obligations to share exculpatory information under the Brady act and constituted "bad faith" within the meaning of the Hyde Amendment.
They withheld some doc`s, in this case E- mails from FCC employee`s that show there own internal confusion as to what was or was not prohibited by law at the time of the criminal conduct at issue.
This cost the US taxpayers to have to pay Rangers court fees.
Have a look at this....

This Link---------------------------------------

It is a long read, but it kind of sums up what happened when Ranger went to court.
It is interesting.
Now one has to think that Assistant United States Attoney assigned to the next case will want the FCC to make dam sure that it dosent get HIM called on the carpet for something like this.

the obligation of the Court to enforce its ethical standards in federal prosecutions requires this Court to order the Assistant United States Attorney involved to appear before this Court to show cause why the allegations made here should not be referred to the Office of Professional Responsibility of the Department of Justice for investigation pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 0.39.a.

In the post he said "better known dealers". Since Ranger is the manufacturer and not a dealer per se, I didn't think he was referring to them.

A side note--- some years ago I was searching the net for the details of the Ranger vs FCC case, and came accross a story about a murder involving Jim Peng's mistress, or something like that. It was weird. It was definitely about the J.P. who owns RCI.

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