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Yaesu VX-8r mod - first on the internet!

My VX-8DR reset itself and now it's back to original locked state!

I'm wondering if somehow newly installed bluetooth module is touching soldering pads and shorting them out? Too bad that I already installed a seal pad, now will have to remove it again...

Connected it to PC, and, yes, it became A2 again... Will have to pull out the seal pad to check on contacts inside. Now I know why Yaesu included two of them in the box ;)

Ok, removed the seal pad and was tied to cleaned up contacts around soldering pads of former resistor. After a few tries it came back to A3. Interesting that contacts were not shot (as measured with my multimeter). Hmm... maybe a bad contact somewhere? I guess I'll try to use it for a few days before installing my last seal pad.

Ok, just wanted to post an update... so far, everything looks good. Probably there was a bad contact somewhere.

Sounds like this only affects TX. Anyone know how to change the RX range to include the whole 900 MHz ham band? Normally it stops at 915 and most of the repeaters are around 927.

Sounds like this only affects TX. Anyone know how to change the RX range to include the whole 900 MHz ham band? Normally it stops at 915 and most of the repeaters are around 927.


It's blocked between 915 and 944 Mhz and then picks up RX from 944 to 999 Mhz. I believe the blocked range is the old 900 Mhz cordless phone range, which is why it would be blocked.
I just finished the mod, and wanted to post a pic... The first thing that struck me when I opened the back of the radio was how SMALL the resistor is. The other pictures posted are great photos, but didn't really convey the size very well. This pic is of the resistor (after removal) at the tip of an average ball point pen (it does "pop right out" with tweezers). The small scale is further enhanced by the lines on the legal paper the pen & resistor are on. My point? If your getting up there in age, and your sight isn't what it used to be, you might need some type of magnifier PRIOR to opening the radio... Other than that, great mod and thanks to the original poster Moleculo for the great info!

I just finished the mod, and wanted to post a pic... The first thing that struck me when I opened the back of the radio was how SMALL the resistor is. The other pictures posted are great photos, but didn't really convey the size very well. This pic is of the resistor (after removal) at the tip of an average ball point pen (it does "pop right out" with tweezers). The small scale is further enhanced by the lines on the legal paper the pen & resistor are on. My point? If your getting up there in age, and your sight isn't what it used to be, you might need some type of magnifier PRIOR to opening the radio... Other than that, great mod and thanks to the original poster Moleculo for the great info!
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VX-8DR Aviation band modification: any ides?

Hello all,

I have recently purchased a VX-8DR to take with me on my travels overseas. I will be doing the modification to allow Tx on restricted bands as I never know what channel I may need to reach others on in case of emergency in the bush.

My current major interest however is in Tx capabilities on Aviation band. I am a pilot and when I am flying I want to use my VX-8DR as an emergency back up to my cockpit radios. Or if I do go down and I have aircraft looking for me, I can use it to contact help (ie. 121.5).

Does anyone know of a method, system, or way to modify the VX-8DR to allow transmission on 118-137Mhz? It's not illegal to Transmit on that band so long as you have a pilots license.

Thanks for any help or suggestions
No mod currently ;-)

I am actually writing to Yaesu now. I am sure my request will fall on deaf ears but it's worth a shot. I figure Tx'ing must be in the realm of possabilities if your can Rx those freqs. This is the point I wish I went to school for electrical engineering haha.

Thanks for your quick response and if I ever find anything I'll be sure to share and hope you all do the same.
My email to Yaesu. Lets see if they reply.

Hello, I recently purchased a VX-8DR (USA version). I want to use the radio while traveling through africa, but I am also a licensed pilot. I know I can recieve air band on the handset but I am anxious to know if there is a software update (even if it's an additional purchase) that allows for pilots to use this radio for aviation transmission (Tx). This is imortant for two reasons.
1) if my cockpit radios fail (radio or power failure) I want to have a back up.
2) if I ever find my self in an emergency, like a crash, I want to transmit my location to search and rescue on 121.50Mhz emergency frequency.
To "hear" the search and rescue aircraft overhead does me no good if I want to relay my position. Thank you for consideration and help with this. Like I have stated I will gladly purchase the software upgrade/update to permit this application.


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