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How does Motormouth Maul get away with it?

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I think what he means is he can run his mouth on CB and since he has a amateur call sign, KC6MFX, He can run his mouth on 10 meters too but not at the same time if massive splattering is what you are referring to.

If you look at his webpage, motormouthmaul.com he demonstrates on how to achieve excellent audio or at least he thinks what is good audio along with proper transmit signals.

The few times I bothered to listen to him on the airwaves his audio was distorted and too bassy like an FM broadcast station which could hardly cut through all the noise and commotion going on the band.

Basically the guy is a moron but at least he is a legend in his own mind and to the mindless followers of his on the CB band.

He's a moron..just because you don't agree with him? Listen I'm not a fan of his audio either, but he's pretty sharp.
He's a moron..just because you don't agree with him? Listen I'm not a fan of his audio either, but he's pretty sharp.
No, he's a moron because his audio doesn't live up to what he preaches with all his hi-tech talk, and you seem to agree with me on that.

It reminds me of the saying, " If you can't blind them with science, then baffle them with bullshit".
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He doesn't run that much power, I remember a 3cx10000a7. He can run a lot more then that, but why? He has a 3 phase 208 400 amp service, so no hold up there.
He's try's to keep it clean, but at that power level funny things can and do happen. And audio wider then 10k often get mistaken for spatter. But who cares?? What's the harm?? Exactly how does this effect your life??

"Don't want to be a carrier pinching mothf*cker" - Joe Dirt (Brian)
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Doesn't affect my life at all, we are all having discussions along with facts even though sometimes we're wrong, and we also give our opinions. That's what forums are all about.
Now here is the sad part of it all, sure he's bleeding everyone, sure he sounds different and most of the time like shit..But what's sad is he sells a MMM kit. I hear alot of people buying these from him and turning around and trying to sell them cause they have no idea what the hell they're doing. These kids and Broadcasting on CB have no clue. Broadcast sound takes alot of trial an error and patience & money..But it is what it is. I run just an RE20 on my radios, nothing else and sounds clear, I just like the microphone and had to have it

Great sounding Station. I miss his Watergates, R.I.P.
4040 really was a class act. He loved to chase that world wide dx when he could get it and he also liked to work the states. I too enjoyed his video gates and I enjoyed listening to him early mornings and evenings as he grabbed those rare dx's from over seas. If he could hear you he would try to work you, i talked to him with my bone stock radio!
Some folks have a natural gift of talking to people and making them feel good. 4040 was one of those folks.

Hopefully, i got this in before the thread outlives it's usefulness!
I hear him on occasion here in Guam, on the waterfall display (Anan-10) his signal is clean. No bleeding over, tight signal, bodacious audio. Looking at other stations that can go many channels wide, some are a few stations on the bowl. When I can see them splattering from 7-8000 miles away..well. MMM runs a Cobra 29LX w/mauldulator .. I asked him what radio HE is using when I bought a mauldulator from him, so that I got a new 29LX for myself just to use w/mauldulator.

MMM showing up:

4040 really was a class act. He loved to chase that world wide dx when he could get it and he also liked to work the states. I too enjoyed his video gates and I enjoyed listening to him early mornings and evenings as he grabbed those rare dx's from over seas. If he could hear you he would try to work you, i talked to him with my bone stock radio!
Some folks have a natural gift of talking to people and making them feel good. 4040 was one of those folks.

Hopefully, i got this in before the thread outlives it's usefulness!

Yeah - I know he and some people would get into it on occasion but overall everytime I every dealt with 4040 he was just the nicest guy and friendly and most of all he was having a lot of fun on the radio which is what it is all about.
Yeah - I know he and some people would get into it on occasion but overall everytime I every dealt with 4040 he was just the nicest guy and friendly and most of all he was having a lot of fun on the radio which is what it is all about.
I met him and John Denver one year at the Manchester TN. break...Denver was smashed on white-lightning after just a few sip's...mater-a-fact, a friend of 4040 that came down with them bought a 4 pill and 8 pill amp from me... never did hear how they managed to smuggle it on the plane back to Cali.
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back then(before 9/11) you just put electronics in your suit case and more often than not no questions were asked. even if u were questioned about radio equipment , it didn't lead to anything more than that.

even today u can probably fly with radio equipment. but i haven't flown much lately so i'm not 100%
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back then(before 9/11) you just put electronics in your suit case and more often than not no questions were asked. even if u were questioned about radio equipment , it didn't lead to anything more than that.

even today u can probably fly with radio equipment. but i haven't flown much lately so i'm not 100%
This was back in 2012 tho. If they ran it threw a x-ray machine and seen a metal box with wires sticking out the back, and switches and stuff, you would think they just might get suspicious and start asking questions...or call in the bomb squad to blow it up.
sure they would jj

but nothing would come of it, it would be radio equipment which was not in operation and therefore perfectly legal to possess and transport
You take radio gear in your carry-on. Take the case screws out so you can readily show security it is indeed a working piece of gear. Volunteer that info before getting it scanned. I just got back from a trip and carried a cell phone, tablet, small portable radio,several patch cord audio/power cords and several spare AA batteries taped together in my carry-on and passed security without question. They did take a couple extra minutes in the Xray machine however.
You take radio gear in your carry-on. Take the case screws out so you can readily show security it is indeed a working piece of gear. Volunteer that info before getting it scanned. I just got back from a trip and carried a cell phone, tablet, small portable radio,several patch cord audio/power cords and several spare AA batteries taped together in my carry-on and passed security without question. They did take a couple extra minutes in the Xray machine however.
Or just fedex it back. It ain't all that complicated.
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