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11 meter is very quiet?

To you new members in here, we all have our disgruntled comments about the trash we hear on the air but don't turn this good thread into your romper room. This has been a good useful thread to us for a long time so don't get it locked up on account of derailing it with romper room talk. I get the mentions believe me there's times we can't help to make a comment about the trash we hear but let's not turn this into a Facebook group.

Let's not get out of hand and too far off topic or it will get cleaned.
Back to radio contacts on 11 meters.

On Friday morning worked NB699 on 38LSB groundwave across the median of Interstate 40 as we headed in opposite directions here in the desert southwest. Another half QSO with a diffrrent station a bit later in the morning but the band wasn't holding up for DX.
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Been dead on both SSB and AM.

Was scanning on AM and came across a fellow that I haven’t heard in a while. Started talking. He’s up in the mountains 60 miles from me. Thought I was running power since I could talk to him and he said I was coming in great. Well I noticed I was barefoot…OMG!!! Went to the “pump” and he said I jumped up 2 S units. That was fun!!
Been dead on both SSB and AM.

Was scanning on AM and came across a fellow that I haven’t heard in a while. Started talking. He’s up in the mountains 60 miles from me. Thought I was running power since I could talk to him and he said I was coming in great. Well I noticed I was barefoot…OMG!!! Went to the “pump” and he said I jumped up 2 S units. That was fun!!
Heck yeah, kicking the cat and walking the dog barefoot!
Have had the radio on all day and occasionally Jamaica would fade in and out until it all went away...
Last nite after checking in on the SSB net the band was so quiet that I could hear stations out 150 miles + , even got to make a contact with Cabover Bob up north.
About 10 pm I could hear Hawaii but could not get back to them, then it closed up for the night.
Have been to busy today to even turn it on.

Glad to hear o'l @Cabover Bob hasn't abandoned the hobby all together. I have yet to make a contact with a forum member.
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