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11 meter is very quiet?

Naw, no elements lacking now

There are mornings in the Pete I fall out of bed and land in the drivers seat. Trying to, “come to”. Tick the radio and ClrSpkr on, and listen to trucker wisecracks as 13L cranks over and I watch the air pressure gauges.

“Evidence” of yesterday’s day usually to be within sight around me.

“Wow, I really was eating that”. (Smoking that, drinking that, etc).

Wait two AND THERE WILL BE some offhand comment to which to add bleary confirmation.

Wait one beat again, and here they come. Good, not alone in this: “Drivers, I got a half-eaten bag of XX on sale this morning. Who’s my first offer?

Now there’s a dozen wise cracks rolling your way.

Radio air check established, air pressure built, it’s about time to get 36-tons rolling west.

Grabbing gears tops being the guy has to mop out the bar in the morning, but at least he’s adding loose bills and coins to his pockets.

Just figure that AM-19 is like walking around a bar featuring some pool tables with a too small men’s room, and how to act on air only needs those pickled eggs been on the counter since your Dad met your Mother.

Howsabout them eggs?

Lacking some elements, but...
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Fell down that flight of stairs known as IH35 S from FTW to Santone. Had LSB-38 on as I crawled back up to Fairfield, TX.Nada

Okay, Slowmover, now you sound like Woody Guthrie. :D
Bet if one were to go back and read past posts (or just start paying attention) he/she would find the voices of a plethora of great songwriters/storytellers in your offerings. Just offhand, I recall experiencing the cadence and visual representations of Steinbeck in several. And another of my favorites (although not nearly as famous), William Least Heat-Moon, the author of Blue Highways and River-Horse.

Might be time to park the rig and pick up a pen. (y)

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