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ads going crazy,,,

Brave browser stops most junk on most sites right out of the box. Even blocks Youtube ad's. You can turn off video autoplay to stop those annoying autostarting videos on website.

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For $15 per year (that’s 4 cents a day), you get a premium membership and no ads when signed in. Plus you’re helping support this site. (y) A 2-year membership is even cheaper. :giggle:
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still the question is why all of a sudden ,,, i had the ads on the side i didnt mind that but now when i open up the page i must hit a x to get rid of the half naked women selling undergarments then every thread go thru the same hitting x s or arrows to make the ads get out of way so i can read thread,,,
still the question is why all of a sudden ,,, i had the ads on the side i didnt mind that but now when i open up the page i must hit a x to get rid of the half naked women selling undergarments then every thread go thru the same hitting x s or arrows to make the ads get out of way so i can read thread,,,

Adblock Plus (free version) will take car of all you pop up woes.
The ad blocker in the browser I'm using does a very good job. I had forgot about it until now. I use the Opera browser and after turning the built in ad blocker on, I have 0 ads on this site now. Great ad blocker.
Webcam spyware...even my favorite browser, Brave, is not 100% trustworthy. Everytime it is opened, it attempts to open the webcam; which my security program blocks.

Worse of the worst is the integral, cannot delete, browser of Winblows OS, which I appropriately renamed on the desktop, Spyware. It will attempt to open the webcam, though it's not an open active browser it attempts to function the webcam in the shadows. Again the security prgrm blocks it's opening. It's disturbing how much junk is present by this least trustworthy browser; when my bi-weekly automatic house cleaning program is run.

Personally I never use the webcam so the cam is taped over . Coinsidentally while I write this, msteams*.exe is attempting to use the webcam; no fear, security blocked it.
*MicroSoftTeams; BTW, I never signed up as waterboy for this data collection scam.
9.3k Trackers and Ads blocked since 1st PwrUp or 2.4k since last noted, ~11 days.
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